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1. You like the number 8.
    No. I like the number 7.

2. You like to eat chicken feet.

3. You suck on fish heads and fish fins.
   Yes. Fresh fish heads are my favorites.

4. You have a Chinese knick-knack hanging on your rear view mirror.
    Yes. A friend gave to me. He said it was blessed in a temple.

5. You sing karaoke.
    Yes when I was in China. Never here.

6. Your kitchen is covered by a sticky film of grease.
    No. We used to clean the kitchen every one or two weeks when chou chou was here. After chou chou left, I don't cook too greasy.

7. Your stove is covered with aluminum foil.
    Yes and no. It used to be but not now.

8. You leave the plastic covers on your remote control.

9. You've never kissed your mom or dad.
    Um... I did for mon, but not for dad.

10. You've never hugged your mom or dad.
     Same as above. 

11. You love to use coupons.
     If there are coupons, why waste money? Americans spend even much more time sercahing for coupons.

12. You drive around looking for the cheapest petrol.
     Sometimes yes, but only within a distance limit. Say, the price is higher in the petrol near my company, so I never go there. I usually fill the tank in a petrol that is close to my apartment.

13. You drive around for hours looking for the best parking space.
     No. Most Americans do that. I prefer walking.

14. You take showers at night.
     Yes. It's a healthier habbit than taking showers in the morning.

15. You avoid the non-free snacks in hotel rooms.
     Yes. I don't like snacks at all!

16. You don't mind squeezing 20 people into one motel room.
     Yes, I do.

17. Most girls have more body hair than you, if you are male.
     I don't care about the body hair of a man, as long as he is a Chinese.

18. You tap the table when someone pours tea for you.
     Sometimes. Sometimes I'd rather say thanks.

19. You say "Aiya!" and "Wah!" frequently.
     Yes. They are Chinese, my mother tongue, aren't they?

20. You don't want to wear your seatbelt because it is uncomfortable.
     Of course I want to wear it!

21. You love Las Vegas, slot machines, and blackjack.
     I don't like gamble games.

22. You unwrap Christmas gifts very carefully, so you can reuse the paper.
     Yes, but just becsue I am used to it. I never reuse the paper.

23. You only buy Christmas cards after Christmas, when they are 50% off.
     I bought Christmas cards when necessary. 50% of a Chistmas card? How much you can save?

24. You have a vinyl tablecloth on your kitchen table.

25. You spit bones and other food scraps on the table. That's why you need the vinyl tablecloth.
     No. But I put them on a sheet of paper.

26. You have stuff in the freezer since the beginning of time.

27. You use the dishwasher as a dish rack.
     No. I don't have a dishwasher here. Even if I had, I would not do that.

28. You have never used your dishwasher.
     In my brothers house, they use the dishwasher almost every day.

29. You keep a Thermos of hot water available at all times.

30. You eat all meals in the kitchen.
      No. I normally eat in my room.

31. You pick your teeth at the dinner table (but you cover your mouth).

32. You hate to waste food.
     Yes. It's virtue, isn't it?

33. You save grocery bags, tin foil, and tin containers.
     I save only grocery bags and use them as waste bags. My roommate (an American) does the same thing.

34. You have a collection of miniature shampoo bottles that you take every time you stay in a hotel.

35. You twirl your pen around your fingers.
     Not good at it.

Tegg 发表评论于
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