
唱歌唱戏, 打球比武, 都沾点边, 只是一事无成. 多年在美国, 早已笔涩.
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The Year of the Dragon

New Year's greetings of Y2k

Printed like a dragon with teeth and fire

Added to the number 2 and

Scales and tail with the Zeros

Heading to the new millennium.

Newlyweds were busy making babies

To be born in the Year of the Dragon

Who could grow up and become emperors

Sons of the Dragon

Wearing the royal yellow and

Like the gods riding in purple clouds.

The less ambitious prayed

For peace and love.

Those who celebrate their birth-year

Were cautious not to offend their birth totem

Less misfortune fall upon them,

For the threshold of the Year of the Dragon

Was high, very high.

You were predestined to cross

Or left behind.

Let's pray for peace in the world and

Let the Dragon pass by.