周一下午被抓去面试 intern, 一面就面了四个。面到最后一个时口干舌燥 晕头转向 。
话说我们公司隔三差五就会到美国各地大学批发一批 candidate 来面试。为了“效率”起见,总是采取集中火力各个击破的策略。周一下午就弄了八个来。
Candidates 到了公司就先给他们个下马威 - 在陪饭人员探照灯一样的目光下吃饭。饿死事小失节事大。因为考察的不是吃相, 是舌璨莲花的侃功。我虽然从来没参加过这种大规模的陪饭,但估计candidate 要眼关六路耳听八方玲珑剔透面面俱到,食不知味那是一定的。当然这种做法还是有好处的:饿着肚子精神好,candidate 到下午面试时不会打瞌睡。 :)
走完吃饭的过场,candidate 就给一人一间办公室的隔离审查。与此同时每个面试的人都给发了个folder,内有如下“宝物”:
面试日程安排: when to interview whom and probe on what
candidate 地理位置分布图:八个 candidates 零散分布于两层楼的空闲办公室,每两个面试之间只有短短10分钟的间隔,没有图就只好面壁咯
candidate 个人简历
面试的 cheatsheet - 其实差不多是个skit。比如说要问什么问题,probe 哪些方面
评估表 - 打分用的
好象是两点钟开始的。沿续我一贯 punctually late 的作风, 我在人事部门姑娘的“oh, there she is”的热烈欢迎下开始面第一个 candidate 。
握手寒喧,双方互相 size up (like“yo, whatcha looking at”- xixi, not really), 然后入座。我颁发名片。 开场白: Hi, I’m …. I work in …. I’ve been here …. I primarily work on …. (Mainly really boring stuff)
我不清楚别人是怎样操作的,我基本上会开门见山说我的面试主题是什么 (比如 communication 等等)。然后大略说下时间安排,我问TA多长时间问题,TA会有多长时间问我问题。总之我尽量一直保持笑容可掬,希望让对方少 miserable 一点儿。[当然如果对方 get on my nerves, or rub me the wrong way 那又另当别论 ;) ]
1。 我可以听见我的回声 - 一个小时之前说过的话到了现在还在“回响”
2。 要是我把开场白一早录下来就好了:开场时可以拿着个录音机说, okay, hit it ;)
好不容易全面光了,刚回到座位想查下 email/voice mail, 电话就响了。看 caller ID 是人事 部门叫去 debrief 的。我抄起电话先发制人说 “I’m coming up”, 心里嘟囔:黄世仁。半路上被办公室的另一位面友截住叫我帮他转达他的 verdict: I like her, I don’t her, the other two I don’t care。
Debrief 就是大家对 candidates 评头品足的时间。反正 one man’s sweet is another man’s poison - 各花入各眼。一帮人恨不得畅所欲言到雄鸡一唱天下白。我喜欢的 debrief 是 thumby 类型的- 大拇指定钳坤。
下面这个是以前瞎写得面试别人的体会。看着玩儿吧 。
仪表很重要。同样技能背景,漂亮的胜。没什么好气不过的 - 这是个浅薄的社会。谁也愿意办公室里花团锦簇。如果样不如人,请千万技艺超人。

(p.s. I do NOT like IKEA - pricey for the quality.)
Glad I can be of help. Good luck. Be confident be yourself and go get them! Yes please pls keep me posted on how things go. Am going to bed. I'm brain-dead now. ;)
Hi, chic. thank you so much ! your detailed and constructive explainations and suggestions are very valuable and helpful. I have been talking to many people, including some professors, none of them gave specific suggestions like yours. Really, words cannot express my appreciation for your help!
I understand your last point on personality and totally agree with it. I'll let you know how it goes if you're interested.
BTW, I watched "Movin'Out" too. Great show ! I kind of like that Asian, (guessing she's Japanese because of her name), dancer - wild!
Interview in my mind is a game, there are certain rules that you have to follow. You need to learn the ropes. I will suggest that you get a book on interview skills (any book will do - they are more or less the same). Monster.com will be another great resource.
There are only so many questions that they can ask you and I think you SHOULD anticipate questions and more importantly prepare your answers ahead of time.
Answer your questions always positively.
"are you the one who other people always turn to for hlep when they face problems"
this is to probe on your team work, professional expertise, intellectual capacity.
answer yes, and be prepared to share examples to demonstrate your skills on such aspects
"what role you play in a team"
again, team work - you should share examples on your being a team leader and being a good team player
"do you always tell other people what to do"
this can be tricky question. approach it in a way to let the interviewer know that you are a great collaborator, however when circumstances demand it, you are not afraid to take the lead. again share examples
To sum up, find out about the rules and then preapre practice persevere and good luck!
Btw, my last pointer about making people like you vs. your achievements - what I wanted to say is that a lot of times personality makes the tie. You want to come across as someone who's intelligent, resourceful and fun to work with. ;)
Hi, chic. this is a great blog, I like it.
like ur fianl tips for interview although it's a bit different with what I expected.
I'm in the job hunting process right now. have had 4 interviews, but none of them brought me even into the second round. so I'm wondering maybe I got interview skill problems.
they asked me questions such as "are you the one who other people always turn to for hlep when they face problems", "what role you play in a team", "do you always tell other people what to do".
I always try to guess what they looking for from my answers before I say anything. But one of my professors said I shouldn't try to predict. anyway, could you give an advice on how I should answer them or any tips. thanks a lot!