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看到CPN要破产,给大家讲讲我从书上读的东西。据说每次有名的公司(以前在S&P500指数中)破产时,股票在宣布后会大涨。您想谁敢买破产的股啊?通常大家会在破产前卖掉,还有很多short的人。这些short的人需要买回来。据我观察:UAL和World COM的表现确实如此。不过我胆子小,不敢试。这本书叫:"Trade like a hedge fund".有言在先:我照着这本书去做,亏过两万多块。 理由? 下面这些理由来自那本书: "In many cases a company will go bankrupt, the stock will get halted, open much lower after the halt, and then promptly double. So many people had anticipated the bankruptcy, with the thought that the shares would then automatically be worth zero, that immediately after the halt is lifted, a short squeeze occurs."

lei123 发表评论于
亏过两万多块 不是你的经验 是虚拟的 对吗