patience is what I need. I just can not find a point of breakthrough. If, as we discussed on the phone with YLY, if he will start a factory, then I will invest, but when? will XXG, CDJ invest? at least I should bring C$30K back to China. what shall I do 2006? things are basically the same, no way of breakthrough. Impark will probably station me at Stong's permantly, which means I have to find another job. but how tough could that be? I have been experiencing this for more than 8 years! so, how to make money in vancouver??? going back home, if RMB6000--8000 per month, that's meaningless. my crave for power, for self-recognition, for everything, just eludes me. I can not wait. but i can find nowhere to go. what a deadlock. a pathetic dilemma!

I need a sales job. and move this valet job to night.  I should get SIR ASAP, for better chance to get the Rock Mountain job. I will sleuth out who is in charge of the hiring, and 1st of all ,I should find out when and where the job fair of Rock Moutain is and be there on time. I will bribe $500 to 1K to the manager. then hopefully, I will be on the train by April 10. or start training by March 15, even better. Patience, patience.
