No pics on this one...just words...

Sorry if some of the pics came double, GMail has some bugs sometimes.

I hope your weekend went well...I had a wonderful time at Yosemite

this weekend, especially today. It was a clear blue sky, sunny and not

too cold, unless I was near a waterfall. Yesterday was snowing, and

that is when I hurt my knee, sliding down a snowy hill on an rubber


It was strange not speaking to you for almost two days. It felt long,

actually, and everytime I had a few moments to myself, I thought of you would love the scenery, how I'd like to show this place

to you someday. I guess there are a lot of places I have been that I

wish I could show you...there are many feelings I wish to share as


Anyway, it was a little annoying having Ken's son and Chereen along.

Chereen has never been out in nature before, and Ken's son was

argumentative and didn't seem to appreciate the beauty around him like

Ken and I did. Other than that, it was a nice, quick little escape out

of town, and I love being able to do those.

I am real sorry I did not get to see you tonight, but all of our stuff

is still in the back of the truck, and it is hard to sort out all the

bags, etc. It would have taken me awhile to get over there, and I

didn't think it wise that you should wait.

Hopefully, I can get some time to see you before you open the store. I

will wait for your phone call, and truthfully, I can't wait to see

you. I hope I am not being too pushy or selfish, but not seeing you

makes me feel edgy and restless!

I have a lot of unpacking and cleaning to do tomorrow, as well as

laundry. It should be a pretty busy day, but I will have more than

enough flexibility to be around you for a time, if that's okay. I

missed you so much and dreamt of you last night...a good dream!

Hope you sleep well tonight, I am thinking of you...

I assume that Hao must have come hung up so abruptly, I

wasn't sure why. I wanted to call you back, but I am not sure calling

your home number is the best thing...

My mind is so full of thoughts. I am trying to understand everything

you said, but I am not sure I have all the information. I hate

guessing about things, but my own fears leave me wondering all the

reasons for you and I not to see each other, and why the suddden

change in your feelings about it. I feel like when I left on Saturday,

things were alright. I return two days later, and all of a sudden I

feel you don't want to have anything to do with me. I know it is not

that simple, and I do know that it is not easy for you either. I am

just feeling emotionally confused...even though logic tells me that

you are right, it just feels confusing to me.

When you mentioned that we should wait 6 months to a year, and see if

things naturally work out the way we'd like, I was really confused.

Time alone doesn't change things, and even you having time apart

doesn't mean that Hao will change his suspicions, or his interrogating

of you. He must be obsessed to check receipts for time-stamps, and

things like that won't change, even over time.

I think I am just frustrated. When we were on the phone, I was

speechless. I felt my throat was swollen shut, and I had a huge knot

in my stomach. I wasn't sure how to explain my feelings. The truth is,

I am the last person in the world that should ask you of anything,

especially considering all you have done for me so far. I wish there

were some way I could make you happier in life, especially since your

position is so much harder than mine.

Please do not feel that you bare responsibility alone. I feel I am as

much at fault, if not more, for all of our problems. I am stubborn

too, and I feel I have been so selfish with your time and caring.

We could spend years apart, and I would still love you the same.

Someday you will believe that, I hope, and all of your doubts about me

will be gone. That is what I want...I don't know how that happens


Please do not worry about hurting me, okay? You have done more good

for me than anyone ever has, and I will never forget that.

Not sure what to say...I am not making much sense right now anyway...

Hope all is well,

My feelings didn't change, that I know.
I spent time thinking, and realized that there is only one right way to solve the problem, if I want to solve the problem, not to putting it off and just hoping for the best. I am not aggressive, but I like to be in control of my life.
Time will tell...