Part two...

Here is part two of the most boring e-mail ever.

So I left off talking about getting hired at Ultratech…

That was in 1992. I moved into a house with a Chinese friend and

co-worker, named Jimmy. He was the nephew of the homeowner, and thus

made himself the property manager, so to speak. The house was in

Fremont, and had four bedrooms. He had a huge Rottweiller named Bear,

which weighed about 180 lbs, and he would get on my furniture.

Rottweiller dogs are large and muscular, and are one of the most

fierce varieties. Bear was no exception…he also slobbered a lot, which

made me uncomfortable with having him on my couches, bed, etc. I would

try to get him off the furniture, and he would growl. That made me

feel uncomfortable, since Jimmy didn't have much concern for my

belongings. I would literally hit Bear in the mouth with a closed fist

to get him to move, and he would merely think I was playing.  The

house also had a bad cockroach problem, (I hate cockroaches,) and

Jimmy was a messy person. After a month of living there, things got

significantly worse, when Jimmy decided to rent one of the other rooms

to a recovering heroine addict. He had a girlfriend that would come

over, and she had a cocaine problem. Jimmy was okay as far as drug

problems were concerned, he wouldn't even drink, though he smoked

marijuana often. I enjoyed drinking beer, and would come home with a

six pack, and the other roommate would be upset that I drank in front

of him, since he was a recovering abuser. Never mind the fact that he

and his girlfriend would stay up all night fighting, being loud and

otherwise inconsiderate, I couldn't even unwind on my own couch with a

beer to watch my own TV. I stayed there for three months, to satisfy

my lease agreement, and the last two months I worked almost 18 hours a

day. I never went home, except to get clean clothes. I would shower at

work, and would drink coffee all night at Denny's on Mission

Boulevard, just to avoid that situation. Jimmy and I parted ways and a

friendship was lost.

After I moved out, I went to my family's home for about a month, until

I could find a new place to live.  I ended up moving into what is

still my favorite place I've lived, a townhouse in South San Jose,

with an old friend named Mike. We had a roommate who would never show

his face, so essentially we had the place to ourselves. I met Kanika

then, somewhere around 1993.  Aside from working at Ultratech, I would

teach percussion and music part-time, usually at local high schools,

as well as giving private lessons. Kanika was a dance instructor at

the same school, and she and I quickly became friends. At this time,

Robin (whose mother had hired me at Ultratech) and I had broken up.

Kanika and I got together soon after that, and we stayed together for

about 18 months.

Kanika was born in Thailand, daughter of an Irish-American father and

Thai mother. She lived in a meager trailer with her parents, and was

going to school for fashion. I was her first real serious

relationship, and she was extremely attached to me. We had a good

relationship, but she was very naïve about life and had a problem

accepting reality at times, preferring to lie to herself about things.

It was only a matter of time before her delusions caused her to lie to

me about something important, and I ended up breaking up with her

because of it. She was the type that if a bee stung her, she would say

to herself that it didn't, and would leave the stinger in her, causing

more hurt, just to deny reality.

Kanika and I had a pregnancy scare. Since she hated her parents, she

would stay often with me at my place more than she would stay at her

own. I became aware of a lot of things about her, and being observant,

I realized that she was late on her period. I asked her about that,

and she told me she was only 2 weeks late.  I was concerned, but

accepted that she said it was only two weeks, her cycle wasn't

consistent anyway. After two more weeks, I asked again if she had

missed her period, and she told me that it hadn't happened yet. I

became worried at that point, and told her we should get a test. She

told me she wasn't pregnant, but she would take a store bought test.

When we took the test, it came back positive and negative, at the same

time. Tests were not as good back then, I suppose. Anyway, I told her

that I thought she should see her gynecologist, and she told me that

she had never seen one before. Believing she was pregnant, I told her

that we had to find out for certain if we were pregnant, and told her

that seeing a doctor was the right thing to do. Out of her fear, she

initially refused, and after talking about it over the span of a week

or so, she slipped and mentioned that it was more than a month that

she missed her period, it was actually two months. She was still

against seeing a doctor, saying her mother never had to see one, so

why should she? My position was that if she was pregnant, whatever

choice we made about keeping it, was fine as long as I knew that she

and the baby were healthy. If she was pregnant and wanted to keep the

baby, I told her I had the right to promote the health for both she

and the baby. After arguing with her about it, she slipped again and

mentioned that she had been late for three months, not two. We ended

up going to Kaiser, got a blood test, and scheduled an appointment

with a gynecologist. I was proud of her for overcoming her fear of

doctors, in particular the gynecologist.  After taking the blood test,

we went to the gynecologist appointment, and I even told her I would

go in with her if it would help her feel better. I just wanted to make

sure she was healthy, and if the pregnancy test was positive, the baby

being healthy was at the top of my concerns. We went to the

appointment, sat down with the doctor, and she got up and left. I was

very disappointed, almost heart broken, that she wouldn't do the right


The following day, we got news that she was not pregnant after all.

She was elated, so happy. I was not happy at all, I was actually very

upset at her for lying to me. She slipped again, mentioning that she

hadn't had her period in FOUR months. I was very upset, and sat her

down to talk to her about our relationship. I broke up with her,

telling her that I couldn't spend my time with someone who lied to me

about something so important, and further, that I couldn't be with

someone who couldn't accept the reality and consequences of having a

sexual relationship, and was not willing to take the appropriate steps

to ensure that she was healthy, pregnant or not.  She was heart

broken, since I was the first serious boyfriend she had. It was a

tough break up for her, and she told all of her friends that I left

her to buy a new car. I never could understand that rumor, but

apparently she had a lot of people that believed her, and many people

who were what I thought friends at the time, began spreading vicious

and hurtful rumors about me. I moved on, and she and I went separate


My roommate Mike and I would go to the bar often at the Holiday Inn on

Bernal Road, for dinner and drinks, and it became the bar I would

spend most of my spare time at. I started going there around the

middle of 1994, and that is where I met Wendy. She was the bartender

there, and she and I quickly became friends. I was attracted to her

the first night I saw her, and that was probably another reason I

spent so much time there, never mind the fact that all my friends went

there daily, and they had a great beer selection. I wasn't even 21

yet, but no one ever bothered to check my ID.  I was there everyday,

and though I was attracted to Wendy, I never even let on that I was

interested in her until New Years Eve. I had a friend, James, I would

drink with daily and he was attracted to a  cocktail waitress, and he

knew I was attracted to Wendy. On New Years of 1995, I bought Wendy a

bouquet of flowers, and she kissed me at the stroke of midnight. My

friend, realizing that he didn't have a chance with the cocktail

waitress, became enamored of Wendy, and asked her out without my

knowledge. She decided to go out with him, and I decided that I

wouldn't pursue her.  After I found out that she was going out with

James, our relationship became strained. He would tell me about

details I didn't want to hear, and would always say that if I was not

comfortable with him seeing her, he would step aside for me. Finally,

after stewing over her and James for about a month, I told him to step

aside, that I was upset at him for seeing her when he knew I was

attracted to her first, and he relented…though not completely. I had a

dinner I made for friends one night, and I brought her a plate of

food. I told her I wanted her and James to stop seeing each other, and

that I had wanted to be with her for so long. I think that took her by

surprise, and she told James that she didn't want anything to do with

him anymore, that she was now with me.

Wendy and I started seeing each other officially in February of 1995.

By March of that year, my landlord decided to sell the townhouse I

lived in with Mike. He offered the place to us for $135,000, and for

the life of me, I can't figure out why we didn't buy it, (it would be

worth over $400,00 now).  Anyway, without a new place to move in to,

Wendy suggested that I move into her place, a two bedroom apartment in

a bad part of town. Other than Kanika staying with me for extended

periods of time, I had never lived with a woman before, so I was

reluctant. Financially it made a lot of sense, though, and I was

comfortable with the idea of living with Wendy, so I took that step

and moved in with her.

We lived in the Valley Palms apartment complex, off of Lanai and

Tully, a run down complex with low income tenants. I was the only

white person that lived there, and that was worrisome at first, since

gang activity was very high, and most gang members didn't care for

white people. We both worked very late at night, and normally I would

get home around 1:00am, and pick Wendy up from work after 2:00am.

There was always crime in that neighborhood, especially during the

summer nights. I would be up in the morning early, and would watch

many of the children that played in the common areas, especially three

Vietnamese kids that lived a couple doors down. This was probably the

reason I never had too many problems with any of the gang members,

since many of their kids and little brothers and sisters looked up to

me, and the families appreciated that I looked after all the kids

around the complex.

After about a year, Wendy's mother and father moved into our place,

since they were saving money to go to Vietnam, and wanted to save

money for a house as well. Wendy and I made enough money to cover most

expenses, and her parents both worked as well. Wendy's mom was an

excellent cook, and she would normally handle the cooking duties while

she lived with us. This was a weird situation for me, since Wendy and

I weren't married, and her parents slept in one room, Wendy and I in

the other. Neither of her parents spoke English regularly, so

communication was difficult at first. Wendy didn't speak Vietnamese

very well either, so I began learning how to speak. The exposure to

Vietnamese culture was awkward at first, but I quickly caught on to

many of the differences. Wendy's Grandmother and I were especially

close, which was really odd, considering I could never understand her

dialect, and she couldn't understand any English. The rest of the

extended family was put off because I was so close to the older people

in the family, but they knew that I cared very much for everyone, so I

was soon accepted.

Wendy had two sisters, one older, one younger. The younger sister,

Tami, had a 4 year old boy named Andrew, which she had when she was

fifteen. Andrew had never seen his father, and lived with Wendy's

parents, and thus, us. Andrew was a joy to be around. He was very well

behaved, and very bright. Wendy and I became the parent figures for

him, and put him into school. Tami was seldom around, so raising

Andrew became my top priority. I taught him to speak, read, write,

count, add, subtract…all the fundamental learning that every kid

learns. I would stay up with him and read to him every night, help him

with his homework, and he would help me with my Vietnamese,

essentially helping him to maintain some of his cultural identity as

well. Although he called me Uncle Dan, he was always like my own son,

at least that's how I treated him. He was the highlight of my being

with Wendy, and the years I spent with him were some of the best

experiences I have had, to this day. We would go on fishing trips,

play together with the three Vietnamese kids (which became his best

friends at the time), nap together, read together…it was a wonderful

time for me.

Wendy and I became pregnant after our first 18 months together. (I

know I mentioned all this to you before, but I'll write it since I

know you remember more from reading than from hearing!) ;)  When Wendy

was in her early teens, she had been diagnosed with pre-cancerous

cells in her cervix, and had to go through a couple surgeries and

treatment. When we went to the doctor for her first prenatal exam, the

gynecologist found evidence that those cells had returned, and was

concerned about Wendy's health. After more testing, it was determined

that Wendy would have to undergo more treatment, and that our chances

of having a baby were slim to none. We aborted our first baby in her

first trimester. This was a terribly hard thing for me, and Wendy had

already had an abortion from an earlier relationship. Being raised

catholic, I was at spiritual odds with the whole thing, and felt God

was punishing me for living with a woman while being unwed.  I thought

I was being punished for all the sins I had committed in my life, I

felt that God hated me.

I ran away. After I took Wendy to have the procedure done, I left two

days after. I went to Arizona, and Wendy told me I should go, to clear

my head. She was the strong one during the whole thing, and though I

told her I would stay, I was hoping she would tell me to go. I had

planned already to be in Arizona for that week, and it was a trip I

should have cancelled, but I was not thinking clearly. When I came

back, there was some kind of tension from Wendy. We went to dinner

that night, and she asked me if it was possible to love two people at

once. My stomach sank, and she told me that after I left, just three

days after, (within a week of the abortion), she slept with her

ex-boyfriend. I was already heart broken over terminating our

pregnancy, and that news hit me like a bullet.

I could do nothing but forgive her for her betrayal, since I felt

responsible for the terrible situation she and I had been going

through, and then I left on top of that, if even for just a week. We

went through a terrible time that month, but decided to work things

out. Life went on normally, though I became very protective and

jealous over her, especially at the bar where she worked, and where I

later took on a weekend job bartending myself. She would dress

promiscuously, showing a lot of skin, and flirted with all of the

customers. I started drinking extremely heavily, and was getting sick

very often from the effect the drinking had on my immune system. I had

gone months without even talking to my family, and one night in a

drunken depression, I called my Mom.

My Mom asked me how I had been, and what was going on in my life. I

simply told her I was drinking too much, and didn't care anymore. She

asked me why I didn't just stop drinking for awhile, and after that

night, I did. I quit drinking for two years, in fact.

Anyway, about a year before Wendy and I would ultimately break up, we

got pregnant again. We decided we would try to have this child, if all

things with her health checked out. Our prenatal exams went well, and

Wendy and I were excited that this was the time things would finally

go in our favor. The end of our six months being pregnant, we went on

a trip to Las Vegas, and we actually almost ended up marrying there.

We had already planned on a trip to Vietnam to see her other

Grandmother, and we planned on marrying there in her hometown, Da Lat.

When we were on our way home, it was around 2:00am when we were coming

over Pacheco Pass, outside San Louis Reservoir. Wendy told me to pull

over, saying she wasn't feeling well, and had to go to the bathroom. I

pulled off, and Wendy ran out of the car. My friends and I waited for

ten minutes, and Wendy's best friend Becca went to find her. A half

hour later, Becca returned with Wendy, and Becca was crying. Wendy

wouldn't speak to me, and Becca took me aside to tell me she had just

had a miscarriage.

That would mark the beginning of the end for Wendy and I. Not long

after that, she broke up with me, and was dating other men even before

I had moved out of our place.

I moved back home. Wendy and I had a terrible break-up and would still

see each other, though she was seeing other people at the same time, I

figured we would work things out and get through our troubles. That

wasn't to be, unfortunately.

I had my car accident in April of 1999, and while I was in the

hospital, I kept telling my father to call Wendy. When I finally

talked to her, it was almost 1:00am, and I told her I needed her at

the hospital with me. She said she would be there, but she never came.

I moved into a new place with my old roommate Mike, and one other guy

I had met at Starbucks. At that point, I was recovering from my

accident, and wasn't working, since I was on long term disability. I

finally went back to work in February of 2001. In the eight months

preceding 9/11, I wrote my company's ISO 14000 program, and was doing

well financially. I had saved a lot of money, and was in the process

of paying off much of the debt I had incurred while being with Wendy,

(she was high maintenance, and very expensive to live with!)

Over the almost ten years of working at Ultratech, I had done many

different jobs. I started out creating an electronic database of

controlled documentation, and I also set up the first TCP/IP network

they had. I left the IT department for a better paying job that one of

the directors (who apparently liked me) thought I was well suited for,

in QA/QC. I worked with optical components that were used in our lens

system, and quickly became the resident metrology expert. After a few

years, I ran the metrology labs, and became responsible for developing

all the test protocols associated with lens verification. I was

respected, I was comfortable, and was one of the oldest employees,

seniority wise. I moved into the optical manufacturing/engineering

group as a process expert, until 2000, when I finally had enough of my

management. I went back to the documentation department where I wrote

the ISO 9000/14000 management system documentation and developed

training courses. Pretty boring stuff, actually.

When 9/11 happened, I knew lay-offs would be coming, so I volunteered.

I was the only person in my department who was single, had no

mortgage, no kids to take care of. Besides that, being there as long

as I had, I was ensured that my severance package would be more than

most others.

A week or so after 9/11, I sent out an e-mail to Kanika. She and I had

not spoken since I broke up with her years earlier. I'm still not

certain why I tried contacting her, maybe it was the nostalgic

feelings I was having at the time, knowing that I was leaving the

company I had worked for so long. I'd had an unsuccessful string of

relationships with women that I wasn't really serious about, and was

disenchanted about almost everything in my life. Anyway, Kanika

replied back the following day, and she told me that she had a baby

boy. We started exchanging e-mails back and forth, and agreed to meet

for lunch. It was nice seeing her, and it struck me then that she was

more mature than I remembered her. The more we talked, the more we

realized we liked being around each other. I met Reese the day after

my birthday in 2001. We started falling for each other again, and she

loved that I was comfortable with her new son. I was laid off from

Ultratech at the end of September.

Kanika had moved to Minnesota a couple years prior to that, and lived

with an abusive boyfriend, Dominic. He already had a child with

another woman when he met Kanika, and he never saw him or took any

kind of care for him. He was the same with Kanika and Reese, and she

made the decision to leave him and return to California, to her

parents house. Reese was just over a year old when she and I got back


At first, everything was nice. I kept a certain amount of distance

from Reese, for fear that Kanika was only looking for someone to help

take care of him. His father had moved out here to be around the two

of them, and he lived nearby. She didn't want anything to do with him,

but she didn't want to deny access to Reese. The more she told me

about Reese's dad, the more I grew to despise him. One night, Kanika

called me crying, saying Dominic had cursed at her over the phone,

that he was supposed to return Reese home that night, and didn't want

to drive, since he had drank a twelve pack of beer. She had to go pick

him up, and she didn't want to go alone since he was particularly

abusive when he drank.  I went with her to his house, and she went

inside to get Reese. I stayed by the car to watch everything, and he

decided to pick a fight with me. I maintained control until Kanika and

Reese were in the car, so Reese couldn't see what was happening. For

the first time, I felt a protective rage like I hadn't felt since

Wendy. I threw Dominic into his garage door, and beat him very badly.

I told him that he could no longer contact her, that if he did, he

would have to deal with me again. If he needed to contact her, I told

him he could only call me first.

At that point, I was committed to providing for Reese, and to a

certain extent, Kanika. She was working at a construction firm in

Santa Clara as a receptionist, and living with her family, though she

had a terrible relationship with them. By that time, I had moved into

a room in a large house in Hidden Glen, off of White Rd. She would

come over often, and I would let her and Reese stay for days at a

time. Pretty soon though, she had all but moved into my place,

unbeknownst to my landlord, who lived just a few houses away. It was

an uncomfortable situation, that started to wear on us. Kanika was

more interested, it seemed, in marrying someone, anyone, and I felt

that she had a fantasy of living happily ever after, regardless of

what was reality.

By this time, I had started working for a general contractor at Pratt

and Whitney, and was putting in long hours. She didn't like that. I

wanted to maintain a relationship with her, but I wasn't ready to

marry, much less officially live together, and that bothered her. I

spent a lot of time with Reese, and had told Kanika that he should

refer to me as Uncle. Behind my back, she was teaching him to call me

"Daddy". Pretty soon, I had to tell her that she had to go back to her

parents house, and that I would come over everyday to tuck Reese in at

night. She wasn't happy about that, but that was all I felt

comfortable with at the time.

This was also the time that I got arrested. I was following her to her

parents home in my car when another car, similar to mine, raced up

along side of me, taunting me to race. The people in the other car

were younger, and assumed that I would entertain that notion, but I

have never been one to street race, especially when I had Reese and

Kanika just ahead of me in her car. The other driver was driving

dangerously, and was swerving around my car, just inches off of my

bumper. I saw a police car across the intersection, and instead of

turning left onto Capitol, I went through the intersection. The police

pulled me over, opting to let the other car go, apparently I was an

easier option since I was the slower of the two, and my registration

had also expired. One thing led to another, and I got arrested. I have

the letter I wrote just after being released from jail which describes

the chain of events leading up to my arrest, I should e-mail that to

you. I'm not sure what the background check you did said, but maybe

I'll send you my version of events.

So…that was around May of 2002. Kanika and I stayed together after

that until around September of that year, and I ended up breaking up

with her, again. For months I had not felt that she really loved me,

more that she only was in love with the idea of having a family. On

top of my feelings, Reese was becoming very hard to raise alone, and I

felt that Kanika wasn't doing her part as his mother. I was the one

who cooked everyday, changed his diapers, put him to sleep, bathed

him. I felt that she was merely using me as an over-glorified

babysitter. To me, it seemed she didn't care who it was, me or someone

else, as long as she could find a father for Reese. For almost all of

2002, even when she shared a bed with me for months, I could not make

love to her. I felt no attraction, no emotional connection. I had a

fear that she was cheating on me, as well, though she swore that she

never did. I had a strong feeling about it though, kind of a sixth

sense kind of feeling. This put a huge strain on her, and the

relationship, so come September, I finally decided to end the


After having a few months of separation, Kanika and I started missing

each other, again. I felt that maybe I was wrong in leaving her and

Reese, and to top things off, in February of 2003 she had told me she

was moving into an apartment, with a guy she started dating only

recently. He lived in Southern California, and was going to move up

here to be with her. This bothered me, and I felt that we deserved

another chance to make things work. I really missed Reese...I had also

resolved to myself that maybe I had a fear of committing to her, and

that was why I had pushed her away before. I told her how I felt, and

she said she missed our being together as well. We then made plans to

move into the apartment together, and work towards getting married.

We lasted ten months. I had found out after 4 months that she had

cheated on me the year before, and that hurt me so much. For Reese's

benefit, I forgave her, but I was not trusting anymore. I realized

that I was only there because I felt a responsibility to Reese. I

should have known to trust my instincts, since it turned out I was

indeed right that she had cheated on me.

(When I was younger I was involved in a musical group, the Santa Clara

Vanguard. It was a "Drum and Bugle Corps", and Kanika had been

involved in it as well, though after I had already left the

organization. To explain what it was about to an outsider isn't very

easy, but it was a lot like a military style organization as far as

discipline was concerned. It also took a huge amount of time and

commitment, and we toured cross country every summer. The organization

is primarily for teenagers, and you "aged-out" upon turning 21,

meaning you could no longer be in the Corps. I didn't age-out of the

group, but left in 1992 to pursue work, realizing that music would

never be how I made money.)

The Corps started an Alumni group comprised of adults who had been

involved when they were younger. Kanika was a part of that group, and

also started going to a newer competitive adult group in San

Francisco, where she met a lot of old friends. While Kanika enjoyed

her extra-curricular lifestyle, I was the one who stayed at home

raising Reese, in fact, I had become at that point, a "stay at home"

Dad. Kanika started talking with one particular person, Chris, who I

knew back in the early 90's. Her group was to compete in a show in

Pennsylvania, and I found out that while she was there, she shared a

room with Chris. I also found out that she had shared a room with him

in Illinois, the year before. This was the final betrayal, so I moved

out in September of 2004. I never contacted her again, and moved to my

parents place in Pine Grove, hoping to get away from San Jose for


Leaving Kanika was very easy for me, and I soon realized that my

"love" for her was one of obligation, and only to Reese. Leaving him

was very hard for me, and I put myself to work in the mountains that

winter, hoping to forget the pain and betrayal I felt. I chopped wood

and lumber-jacked that winter, helped rebuild a house with my Dad and

Uncle for the local barber, Ed, an old man who needed a lot of help.

While that was fine temporary work, I knew I would not find anything

that paid well in the mountains. I applied for a job for a home

builder in Santa Clara and moved back to San Jose, February of last

year. I moved into a room at Ken and Lou Ann's.

That is when I came into Klondike's, and when I saw you for the first time…

There is a lot more history than just what I wrote so far, and I hope

someday you get to know all of it. I know it must be boring to read

all this about me, and frankly it embarrasses me to write it to you,

but I thought you might like to know a little more about my


It is completely okay that you asked me to send you the rest of the

e-mail...I don't see how it is inappropriate at all...

I hope you never have to feel like holding anything back from me...I

am sorry I reacted the way I did earlier today, in fact. I made you

feel that you shouldn't ask me questions. I have such a fear of

disappointing you...but I will always be honest to you, and I told you

I won't misrepresent myself to you ever again. I want no secrets

between us, at least from my side.

I want to know everything about you...and I want you to know

everything about me. We have a lifetime to do that...while telling you

about my past is sometimes a humbling and embarassing thing, I want

you to know my past. I pray that you will accept my past for what it

is, and remember that I have learned from those experiences, for

better or for worse.

I hope you are sleeping well right now, Jen...I fell asleep after I

got off the phone with you earlier, but I woke up about an hour ago. I

am going back to bed now, though, and will think of you as I sleep...

