My Journal (Month 11)

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Austin Chutian's 11th month

December 10, 2005, Saturday

We went to Christmas tree party at Terry's house.  It was a big party.  I was happy to see many familiar faces including Great-grandma "Me-me", and to play Dayton's toys. 

December 12, 2005, Monday

Too bad I've got a running nose. 

December 18, 2005, Sunday

Today is exciting: I was on a plane!  We flew to Las Vegas with a Northwest flight.

December 22, 2005, Thursday

After wandering through many casinos for days, we were out of the town today.  Mighty Hoover Dam and Charming Lake Mead were where we were.

December 23, 2005, Friday

The Valley of Fire looks really like what its name means.

December 25, 2005, Sunday

We are home again. Dad set up a beautiful Christmas tree.

December 30, 2005, Friday

Today is mom and dad's anniversary.  We went to a Thai restaurant called "King & I" to celebrate.

January 1, 2006, Sunday

New Year day, my very 1st one.  We invited some friends to come over.  They are Great-grandpa Warren, Aunt Sharon, Uncle Jonathan, Caleb, Aunt Barbara, Uncle Bob and Lauren.  We had fun together.
