allude: (refer to)
Chinese people allude to death by saying that the person finally takes his rest.
alternate: (substitute)
The power system runs on the alternating current.
ambience: (the atmosphere of an environment)
The restaurant is not known for its food; people go there mostly for the ambience and the romantic setting provided high aloft in the city.
ameliorate: (get better)
The meeting between the two leaders ameliorated the relationship of Mainland and Taiwan.
amenable: (willing to comply)
He is amenable to do more chores at home as long as he can leave his office early.
amiable: (pleasant)
Ever since our graduation from high school, we have kept up an amiable friendship through emails and telephone calls.
amicable: (friendly)
Fortunately, the divorce is an amicable one without bitter fight over the custody of the children.