

I hope it's not just hunger
被饥饿驱使 driving you so close
向一个陌生人走近。冷雨 to a stranger. Cold rain
拍打着锡铁顶棚。battering on the tin roof.
你我之间,一些面包屑 Between you and me
撒在未被淋湿的水泥地上。 some crumbs on dry cement.

小松鼠两眼如豆 The little squirrel eats
边吃边张望 with its bean-bright eyes
两只前爪 wide open, holding
无限感激地 themorsel with front paws
捧着那口干粮 in the most grateful way,
尾巴的毛耸然立着 hair standing up on its tail.

我知道这信任是脆弱的。I know this trust is fragile.
小客人左顾右盼 My little guest turns this way and that
试探着 measuring the distance
与掰面包人之间的距离。四尺,from the bread breaker. Four,
三尺,两尺. . . three, two feet . . .
近在咫尺,四目对视。You must have seen what's in my eyes.

我知道我们间的信任 I know the trust between us
不会持久。似乎 won't last too long. Fear
总是恐惧技高一筹。seems to have the upper hand as always.
Relax, buddy!

我不是为伤你而来!I am not here to hurt you!
我甚至不想去碰你!I am not even trying to touch you!
让我们试着平等相待吧!Let's recognize each other on equal terms!

你我仅一臂之遥 I caress you with my eyes! I can do that now
我可以用眼神爱抚你!since we are so close. I can feel your
我能感觉到你柔弱胸腔里的心跳 heart dancing inside that little soft chest.
I can hear the wind blow in your moistened
你湿润的鼻翕与淋湿的毛发 nostrils and your rain-soaked fur.
我几乎听见你在吞咽。I can almost hear you swallow.

这另类间的信任之美 The beauty of trust between two
如雨打芭蕉 unlikely reconciled creatures
水击竹响,瞬息即逝 is the quick splashes of rain drops
亦如昙花一现。hitting the surface of bamboo leaves.
看得见,却摸不着。Visible, and yet invisible.
忽隐忽现。It is there, and it is not there.
就像饥饿,恐惧,信任,冷 Hunger. Fear. Trust. Cold
rain. Man. Animal.  




影云 发表评论于
you're welcome!
have a nice weekend tooo :)

LTG 发表评论于
thank you both for your translations!!!

have a great wknd!!
知凡 发表评论于
影云 发表评论于