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Augmentation (increase)

The augmentation in the demand of gasoline becomes a tough problem because of short of energy resource.


August (profoundly honored)

They granted the august senator’s wife the chairman of the charity organization.


Auspicious (good luck)

Phoenix and dragon are auspicious emblems in Chinese culture.


Austere (severely simple)

The monk lives an austere life for his faith.


Autism (an abnormal absorption with the self)

The child always stays by himself and rarely talks to others so his mom is afraid that he suffers from autism.


Avant-garde (new or modern, original)

The movie star wore the most avant-garde dress which attracted all the photographers on the Oscar Academy Award show.


Averse (strongly opposed)

People suffering acrophobia are averse to heights.


Avid (enthusiasm)

Ying is an avid tennis player.  She is always out there on the court even thought it is 100 degrees out.


AWOL (truant)

He was AWOL in Vietnam War and married a Vietnamese wife.  He cannot return to the US now because he would have to go to jail.

