Acres of Diamonds (10)

I'm nobody! Who are you? Are you nobody too? Then there's a pair of us. --Emily Dickinson
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YOU SHOULD have seen that specimen of humanity when the paper and envelopes came across the counter -- he whose wants had always been anticipated by servants. He adjusted his unseeing eye-glass and he yelled after that clerk: "Come back here, thir, come right back here. Now, thir, will you order a thervant to take that papah and thothe envelopehs and carry them to yondah dethk." Oh, the poor, miserable, contemptible American monkey! He couldn't carry paper and envelopes twenty feet. I suppose he could not get his arms down. I have no pity for such travesties of human nature. If you have no capital, I am glad of it. You don't need capital; you need common sense, not copper cents.
