Thank you for sharing your thoughts here. I find it helpful to listen to what others have to say. Personally I gain more from reading the free style poems on the net than from reading LvShi or Ci. Some people think it is easy to compose free style. It is right to a certain point. But to compose good free style poems, it is very hard, harder than LvShi and Ci (at least to me). I would consider the soul of a poem is its rhythm (the content is another important integral part – the body or the flesh). I prefer to listen to the author reciting his poem than to read it (since the punctuation can make a big difference). Because LvShi and Ci have certain format, to follow the format is to guarantee it sounds reasonable. But an author might find it hard to express himself freely when limited by the format. That is the reason why some Ci or LvShi seem to be work of children playing Leggo. To WeiFei’s point, I do appreciate those poets who take social responsibility. And the 101 of taking social responsibility is to be real. I remembered KuangYe’s poem about the little Chinese girl. It moved me by the powerful emotion it delivered. “Back to the Winter” also left me with some impact. According to our own mood, sometimes we like one and other times we may like others. It is reasonable to assume that authors are good at different styles at different times, too.
I will be on the road for a while. Good luck in composing better poems!
I actually wanted to say "Why would I ever sigh?" but missed the "I". Because of this, FeiJun might have mistaken what I meant.
I tried to express that I would not sigh over a seed of perpetual life.
I agree that our styles are yet to be established. We all start with copying the great work we like. Occasionally we will be inspired and come up with some original thought -- that is the moment that we enjoy and celebrate. I prefer your free style to others. I have also seen different styles in your free style poems.