W H M I S -- 车间有害物质信息披露条例


W O R K P L A C E  

H A Z A R D O U S    M A T E R I A L S

I N F O R M A T I O N    S Y S T E M

A Canada-wide system in which suppliers, employers and workers each have their own responsibilities.

WHMIS is there to protect the health and safety of workers by promoting access to information on hazardous materials used in the workplace


WHO . . .



WHO . . .



WHO . . .

manufacture, import, distribute or sell hazardous materials


purchase, use or manufacture controlled products


use controlled products at work

  • determine which of their products are controlled products

  • Obtain information about their controlled products, prepare and provide this information in the form of labels and material safety data sheets

  • update the information on their controlled products every three years or as soon as there is new information about them


  • ensure that all controlled products (purchased, produced on site or decanted) are properly labeled

  • obtain updated material safety data sheets from the supplier or produce them themselves for the controlled products manufactured on site

  • collaborate in the development of a training and information program on the controlled products and ensure that it is updated annually

  • ensure that employees are trained and informed and that the acquired knowledge is put into practice


  • participate in the training and information program on controlled products

  • take the necessary steps to protect themselves and their coworkers

  • participate in identifying and eliminating risks

A system governed by laws

WHMIS is governed by federal and provincial laws and regulations. Any person supplying or using controlled products must comply with it.

Suppliers are governed by federal legislation, specifically the Hazardous Products Act (part II) and the Controlled Products Regulation.


Employers are governed by provincial legislation, specifically the Act respecting occupational health and safety (article 62) as well as the Regulation respecting information on controlled products.


Any questions ?

You don't know whether the products that you supply or use are controlled products...

You want to know more about the laws and regulations...

You want to set up a training program for your employees...

Do not hesitate to contact :

  • Your regional CSST office

  • The CSST's Service du répertoire toxicologique (Toxicological Index)

  • Your joint sector-based association

  • Your CLSC (occupational health team)

A system that defines

six classes

of « controlled » products

WHMIS divides hazardous materials into six main classes based on their specific hazards. If a product corresponds to one or more of these classes, it becomes a « controlled » product






A    Compressed gases

Products held under pressure



B    Flammable and

       combustible materials

      B1 Flammable gases

      B2 Flammable liquids

      B3 Combustible liquids

      B4 Flammable solids

      B5 Flammable aerosols

      B6 Reactive flammable materials

Products that will burn or catch on fire easily






C    Oxidizing materials

Products that can cause or promote combustion of another material (whether or not they are themselves combustible) or products that are organic peroxides

Hydrogen peroxide

Nitric acid

D1  Materials causing

       immediate and serious

       toxic effects

Products that can rapidly cause harmful health effects, including death

Carbon monoxide


D2  Materials causing other

       toxic effects

Products whose health effects generally appear over time following one or several exposures




D3  Biohazardous infectious


Living organisms or their toxins that can cause disease in people or animals

AIDS virus

Hepatitis B virus

Rabies virus

E    Corrosive materials

Products that can corrode metal surfaces or cause burns to skin

Caustic soda

Hydrochloric acid


F    Dangerously reactive


Products that can be health or safety hazards under certain conditons (pressure, temperature, impact, violent reaction with water or air)


Hydrogen cyanide


