| 悉尼晨锋报搞的一个活动,号召读者设计新的澳大利亚国旗
 John Joseph of Epping, NSW, says his design reflects "the past, present and future of our nation". Photo: Andrew
 Tony Eames designed a flag to reflect the "new reality" of Australia's role as "America's eager Deputy Sheriff in the region and beyond".
 North Sullivan removed the Union Jack, but kept the "original stars and layout, balancing that with a larger Federation Star acknowledging our Green and Gold colours".
 This design is by Kevin Yeats. "The real reason for wanting to change our flag is to remove our symbolic subservience to another nation, rather than discontent with the design," says Mr Yeats.
 The Fighting Kangaroo in this flag "symbolises our Oi, Oi, Oi, ocker mentality and our love for good times and mateship", says designer Roger Graf, FIngal Head, NSW.
 The "risen sun" is a central part of this design by Joe Bollen of Turramurra, NSW
 "The British part of the Australian Flag is too big," says James Anthony, who created this design. "When you make the stars bigger, the Aussie flag can look spectacular."
 This flag was designed by Keith McRitchie, Wyoming, NSW
 The Union Jack should be replaced with the Australian coat of arms, says Patrick Martin of Wahroonga, NSW.
 Ron Bennett's design recognises the Aboriginal flag and Australia's unique shape
 Les Hutchinson of Maitland, NSW, hopes his design has something "for all Aussies, including for our much persecuted supposed National animals, our kangaroo brothers and sisters".
 This is one of two designs submitted by Geoff Evans who "unashamedly supports a kangaroo-based graphic - a singularly internationally recognised .
 This is the second design submitted by Geoff Evans. This "leaves the southern cross inviolate, while attempting to reduce the 'apron strings' emotion of the Union Jack", says Geoff
 Helen Davis of Valentine, NSW says the Union Jack is "increasingly unrepresentative as we are no longer part of Britain".