"s.d. has a belligerent nature under her singing friendliness.."
ZZ, you do have a sense of humor!!! hahaha:)))) I can't stop laughing..:))))
z.z. 发表评论于
i can tell that s.d. has a belligerent nature under her singing friendliness...
i don't really remember what "fights" are you talking about....i have a bad memory regarding those things....
well, do not worry.....i knew i was not going to win before we "fought"...
zf, thank you for speaking the truth!!! :)
z.f. 发表评论于
xixi...SD:), I am not making excuse for anyone... but I really like beautiful insights, vital and universal truths... and the beauty of art/poetry...
of course you could win... if you think you win by yourself...:)
I am always a loser because "win" is not one of my vocabularies...you know that I like "LaoZi"'s 5000 words...i remember you like those words too...by 5000 words, I am discovering so many beautiful things...
by水滴 发表评论于
xixi.. ZF, you can always discover the profound meanings in ZZ's poem and make excuse for him. No wonder that I couldn't win! :)))))
z.f. 发表评论于
i like your "fight"... :)
我当时好生佩叹的是你的SPIRIT... but be honest with you, ZZ is not "LaiPi"...after studying his poetry, I find that I am so naive... :)
have a nice day!!
by水滴 发表评论于
ZF: You have such a good memory!
It was a good old time and a really good "fight". I enjoyed the fight. ZZ was so mad, lost his temper and called "ShiNan"to help him. I didn't even know who he was....:)))) btw. Where is he now? Does ZZ know?
When "fight", ZZ is a guy who loved to "LaiPi". :)))))
Wish I would have chance to fight again.:)))
z.f. 发表评论于
zz: 知凡, U R such a trouble-maker!!
but I was told I was on the right track yesterday...:)))
敬爱的作老师,学生这就去好生生地啃啃 W.W.:))
ZZ: "我也觉得寡不敌众,竟没有男同胞来帮我!!!"
ZZ: 石南,上!!
石南: 好!!!冲锋陷阵了!!!
SD: "你以为我会怕你们二个男的打我一个么? :))" (what a lovely girl in my eyes:))
you are on the right track if you are reading W.W.!!!!
good luck!!
z.f. 发表评论于
zz: haha...!!!
I am serious:)...I mean I don't understand what I read before...that is a example... sometimes, 快乐 comes from understanding...
"Have you practiced so long to learn to read?
Have you felt so proud to get at the meaning of poems?
Stop this day and night with me and you shall possess the original of all poems"
---"Leaves of Grass"
my sense of humor needs improvement... :)
z.z. 发表评论于
zf, sd & mermaid,
thanks for sharing your beautiful writing/music, etc....all very inspiring!!!!
your translations are all very creative.....thinking about them now.....
when I was young, I could not really understand what 萨特, 波伏娃 and other philosophers wrote...but art/poetry is helping me to love this beautiful world...
for me, 意识 takes a long time...
萨特: "存在的虚无"...
虚无: 宛然???
what 萨特...
waht a poem...
what a painting posted in this page...
so many feelings I don't know how to translate...