"i found it by accident, but it attracted me instantly....." :)
"....harmony between humans and nature..."
i really like the "harmony" in your poems...
thanks for sharing...
z.z. 发表评论于
good that you saw what i saw in this painting.....i found it by accident, but it attracted me instantly.....
it has the quality of a Taoist painting....harmony between humans and nature...
thanx, zf, for your thoughtful and artistic feedback!!!!
z.f. 发表评论于
zz: "阴阳平衡" is relative i think ... like personal taste in art, the standard for "阴阳平衡" also depends on individual's sensibility...
你说得对极了。。。比如你选择的这幅画在美妙的感觉享受之后,我就看出了很美妙的“阴阳平衡”。。。“阴阳平衡”绝不止是一半一半,“阴阳平衡”的美妙是变化,无限延伸。。。"神,气"活现。。。the spirit of a piece of art....
如“圆”,每个人都可以有不同解读和感觉的诗和画是最美的,这两首诗可以说不同心境的人甚至同一个人在不同的情绪下读来会有不同的感觉,这就是我以为的上好的诗。。。就如蒙拉丽莎,每个人看到的微笑都不一样,其中就有“阴阳平衡”的美妙在。。。like personal taste in art, the standard for "阴阳平衡" also depends on individual's sensibility...
z.z. 发表评论于
ZF: "...好诗可有无限品味,单从阴阳品就有得一品。。。若论诗歌乐音与画面,神,气,情,风,韵,理,趣,志,悬解。。。等等不一而足,而且相互通感起来真是无穷无尽。。。"
i remember you mentioned "神,气" etc. before and i have been thinking about them too ... that is really about the spirit of a piece of art....
"阴阳平衡" is relative i think ... like personal taste in art, the standard for "阴阳平衡" also depends on individual's sensibility, no??
ZF: 我的头脑很简单,诗人笔伐,我可是承担不起:))))
Haha...you are too "qian xu"....:)