飞了9个小时,到SFO机场,然后租了车去SF逛。和2个同事一起,我也不好说要去ShOPPING,只好随他们随便走走看看。GoldenGate Bridge看起来还不错,和印象中相差无几;downtown的cable car很可爱,lombard street蛮漂亮...总之,I君开车一直转来转去,好像整个城市都看得差不多了,也没什么特别的。哦,chinatown,很有特点,杂乱无章,但是有味道,everything tells stories, and chinatown has life.最后在fisherman附近吃了午饭,就出发去hotel,因为时差,我实在是困得受不了,一路都在睡,难为开车的I君了,一样辛苦,却还要振作精神开1多个小时的车。
hotel在santa clara,空旷,周围没有人,没有什么店,只有一个巨大无比的supermarket,卖巨大无比size的各种生活用品,真是恐怖。东西不好吃,服务也不够好,well, people are quite relaxing, but so far, i am not very into cali yet. Guess I am a typical city girl, I need convenient life, pay money, get what i want, good service which can satisfy me and make me comfortable. luggage ruined my nails again, and I dont expect I would be able to find a just-fine nail salon around. I would love NYC for sure, somewhere like tokyo, somewhere that can spoil me and all of my desires.
And one more thing, about this blog, things getting out of control...廖竟然也知道我的BLOG,不知道他从哪里得知的,他根本不看简体字的。无话可说,或许继续下去是个错误。BTW,廖现在人在FL,而我在CA,我们之间的距离比台北到东京还要远。