by 快乐一家人
自上次去图书馆 ,TT伸出他的胖手指触了那性感妈妈低腰裤露出未被她的内裤 遮住的部分 ,我是时刻紧张著去搜寻有哪位女士衣着太暴露 ,深怕再有什么 尴尬情景出现 。
昨天又有一位女孩穿的裤子太低 ,她旁边的箱子又有亮亮的拉杆,TT总是跑过去摸那拉杆 ,我是紧张的不行 ,怕他又觉得好玩去触那露出的一块。
去触一有孩子的女士人家还会原谅 ,但去触没孩子的就不知会有什么后果了 。特别是这性骚扰很当回事的国家 。
我们是玩了很久的老鹰捉小鸡 ,才安全回的家 。
Stomach flu
On Jan 16, TT woke up with vomit on his bed and in his hair.
Wethought he had just spit up during the night. However, when we startedto go down stairs, he just stood at the top and vomited again.
Thereafterhe vomited many times throughout the morning. We couldn't help him atall. He would play, stop, cough twice, then vomit. After a few secondsor a minute, he would play some more -- no problem. He played a whileand vomited until he got some sleep.Of course, that night he sleptpoorly.
Next day, mama was so tired and sick. When papa came home, mama had a bloody lip from TT.
Thatnight every body was sick and TT was the most exciting person in thehouse. He ran between two bathrooms to check out what mama and papa wasdoing. And he laughed so hard when he saw papa vomiting. He thought itwas the funniest thing!
We were so glad to only have one kid that day.
Afterhaving a kid, we have started to get into more parenting groups andknow more about the local parenting methods too. We live in this townwith movie stars everywhere . Sometimes it is so strange when we lookat the local people. It seems everyone thinks he/she should be a starand act like a star, but from our point of view they are strange.
Allmoms are crazy about the preschool search and there are even people whoget on some waiting lists when they are only a few weeks pregnant.
Becauseof the local wave for the preschool search, we decided to join thecrowd for TT. Then we discovered no matter whether they are expensiveor cheap schools, they don't teach much. They said they will more focuson building up kids' learning ability, so they teach them through play.The kids paint a lot, play with clay and listen to music etc.
Finallywe realize they are different from what we want, so papa posted on aparenting site to ask if there are any schools that really teach kids,like reading or math or SOMETHING.
Then the local moms start tothrow bricks at him. They said the schools are teaching kids to learnto social skills and build basic skills through play. They say the kidsare too young to learn how to read and write.
We got a goodlaugh out of this. Poor papa, feels so much hurt by those nice socialand polite moms. Maybe they wouldn't be so mean if they had gone to abetter pre-school.
Now we finally understand why there are somany artists, musicians, actresses, and actors living in this town.They were really supported by their families and parents when they wereyoung, even though when they are 30, 40 years old, they still thinkthey are some kind of star. If they can't make a living through whatthey think their profession is, they can be nannies and waiters.
Toobad, we are not hiring this kind of nanny and not putting our kid onthe waiting list for the popular pre-schools. We are out-of-towners.