by 冰溪
Tough Question
2006-04-03 20:26:59
At the dinner table today, out of nowhere, Olivia asked:
“Mommy, why does everyone have to have a mommy and a daddy at birth?”
“Because without mommy and daddy, there won’t be you.”
“Well, I know babies come out of mommy’s tummy, so what does daddy do?”
Oh-oh,here comes the million dollar question which I should have prepared tohave a good answer by now but haven’t. I quickly ran through a coupleof possible answers in my head, answers that she can understand withouttriggering more curiosity for follow up questions as I am just notready. Unfortunately I did not find anything.
“Ah…how about we leave that question to daddy, what do you think?”
“Okay.” Hey, it makes sense, doesn’t it?
ImmediatelyI put the following on my list to do tonight: After my husband comeshome, work with him to come up with a good answer before Oliviaremembers to ask again. Or maybe it is even better, just leave it todaddyJ.
Sad News
2006-04-07 07:43:06
Yesterday,Olivia’s first official pet hamster “Hammy” died (even though shethinks it is her sixth pet which includes a goldfish which did not livefor a day, a praying mantis, something she does not know, a lady bugand a spider). Olivia cried and was very sad. She called daddy at workand broke the news to him while she was crying. It’s never a goodexperience to see a life disappearing.
Whenwe took “Hammy” home last fall from daycare, the teacher told us thathe was very old and could die at any time. I am surprised he actuallylived until now. A couple of days ago, I had a bad feeling when Inoticed that he was not as alert as usual, kind of dragged himselfaround. And last night, we found him dead when we put more food intohis cage.
Itold Olivia that she has been a good caretaker to “Hammy”. It is nother fault that “Hammy” died. He is just too old. Olivia asked daddy towrite a note to bring to daycare tomorrow to show her teacher andfriends. It says: “Today, April the 6th, my pet hamster died.”
Oliviaand daddy buried “Hammy” in our yard this morning. She put a whitestone on top of it so she knows where he is buried. Bye-bye, Hammy! Wewill miss you.
2006-04-29 11:08:46
Lastnight after dinner, since Olivia was feeling better and did not objectlearning some Chinese, we went over the lesson she learned this pastSunday and prepared for the lesson before the next class.
The new lesson was about a little painter who knows how to paint anything. That “thing” in “anything” is 东西 in Chinese. When I was going over this new word with her, daddy asked:
“Olivia, do you know what little thing is in Chinese?”
“Mm…小东西.” She answered.
“That is right! And that’s what I call you and Evan, 小东西, hahaha…” I said.
“Oh, then you are the 大东西 (big thing) and daddy is the huge 东西.” Olivia really thought she got it.