(i just wonder if this can pass as a "poem" by wxc standard. no? how about a rap song then? xixi~)
so i have been working on this project for quite some time
the lead on this project is a peevish guy
whom i code-named as "rainbow" - got it? ; )
last year i got really pissed off by him
he used a very condescending tone on me in more than one occasion
so i wrote a 'direct' email to him with a cc to his manager
basically i said he's not a team player - bull's eye, isnt it?
but then this year didnt see his leaving the project
instead he came back with a vegence
he brought with him a famous windbag
so the long and short of it is that i'm very very annoyed
(word of wisdom - this collection of phrases happened because one is not in the mood for work~)