这几天很忙,情绪低落,昨天电话会议的时候,我几乎发作,和同事吵起来,depressed。本来下周末打算去LA,看现在的状况,恐怕是mission impossible啦。
上周末有出去玩,还好还好,一点无聊,但better than nothing, right? 周六H来接我吃午饭,然后去danville转转,看了场电影,mission impossible 3, just so so, I am not a big fan of Tom Cruise。然后,晚饭,H送我回来,这样而已。H一直在讲他这辆车多少钱,家里那辆值多少,他所住的社区怎样怎样的贵...blah blah...我们认识很久,他又开车1个多小时过来接我,所以我忍耐着,尽量保持微笑,听他讲那些“废话”,suffering。虽然H的车确实很cool,但he needs to know what girls really want, not every girl cares about only money, ok, of cos, money is important, but its not everything, right?
周日和Jay一起吃的午饭,然后去stanford看印第安表演,蛮有意思,只是天气热得让人受不了,很干燥,我觉得自己几乎中暑,那天大概有90多度。Jay是香港人,文质彬彬,很有礼貌,普通话讲得还算不错,我们刚刚认识。上一次来Bay area,因为没有什么local friends,所以很无聊,想出去玩,也不知道去哪里好。所以这次来之前,有在friendster上认识一些住在这边的人,it has nothing to do with relationship or anything further, its even not a proper dating, but just casual hanging out, as activity partners. Anyway, I dont wanna get stuck in hotel room by myself, so to have more local friends, is always better.
日本同事很郁闷,no girls around, this town is full of IT companies, more guys than girls. According to a local male friend, young girls are very popular here, no matter how she looks, "even fat like a pig,still can be chased by guys, guys here in a very tough situation", that is exactly what he said, poor guys.
Anyway, work is stressful, and this place sucks...TOKYO!!! I wanna go back to tokyo as soon as possible.