今天回家的路上, 雅雅问我:"Mom, when I was born you cut you tummy and took me out, right?"
我说:"不是妈妈cut the tummy. The doctor cut mom's tummy." 她问为什么.
我灵机一动要逗她玩, 就说:"Because you're too lazy to come out by yourself."
她笑起来说:"I was so funny. Did the doctor give you a shot?" 我说:"是呀. 打针之后妈妈就睡着了, 就不会痛了. "
她想了想说:"Idont want to cut my tummy. My baby will listen to me. She will come outby herself."
又问:"Mom, do I have a baby in my tummy?"
我说没有啊, 要大人才会有babyin the tummy(太难讲明白了, 先糊弄一下八).
小人家又说:"It is a magic. I dont have a babyin my tummy. When I grow up I will have a baby in my tummy. It is am-a-g-i-c! I want my baby growing up just like me!"
晚饭后带她们去小学玩. 优优找到自己的小朋友, 就跑去踢球了.
雅雅加不进去, 可怜地在旁边哭:"我要姐姐跟我玩. 我不要她跟别人玩."
我说妈妈陪她, 她还是不肯, 一直哭. 我帮她去求优优,
优优不干:"I am not supposed to babysit her now. I want to play with my friends." 这么振振有词我也无话可说.
总算哭到优优的朋友走了, 雅雅才破涕为笑.
回家的路上, 优优很严肃的说:"WhenI come to the school, I want to play with my friends. I dont want tobabysit YaYa. I want my 2nd grader, 3rd grader fun, not preschoolerfun."