
Thanks for saying so!Some more details, when I asked him the reason why he wanted to leave me, he gave me two:a. I was too boring, I could not provide him fresh air for his daily needs.b. I relied on him too much, not independent.While that girl could just fit his needs at that moment.During those years he left us, his words always reminded me that: “女人当自强”in any time. Sometimes the bad thing can be turned good, if I didn't leave him, I would never think I could go to school to earn my degree. I could never think I can financially independent. Therefore, this is important quality for a woman to balance the relationship between husband and wife and maintian love life.I wish you all the best!她说的好有道理。女人沉浸在幸福中的时候,很容易把生活的重心移到爱人的身上,同时也失去了自我。而失去自我的女人又怎末会有魅力呢?这次婚姻的失败,对我来说未必是一件坏事,年轻的时候总要摔几个跟头,以后的路才会走的更好。


呵呵, 这是从台湾综艺节目中学来的, 博大家一笑, 男士吾恼.哈哈哈....