
心知所见皆幻影, 敢以耳目烦神工 。。。
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昨晚9:00,小女照例去给她的小老鼠喂苹果的时候发现,Little Peanut 死了。虽然早就知道Peaunt 就在这几天会走,因为一个老鼠的寿命也就2-3年。 可是,真的发生还是难得接受。 女儿在我的怀里放声大哭, 儿子抽泣着告诉我:“妈妈,我的心疼”。

后来,孩子的爸爸回来了,我们举行了一个小小的仪式,把 Little Peanut 埋在后院的花下。


In the loving memory of Peanut
Who was in the family Dec 11, 2003
And died June 7, 2006
Who lived 3 peaceful years of his life
The one pet we will always remember
The one that we will truly miss
The one that is living in my heart now