莫內(OSCAR CLAUDE MONET)[1840-1926]一生持續對繪畫的狂熱,使西方美術從古典步入現代,他後期狂放自由的筆觸,大膽潑灑的色彩,都是現代繪畫的先聲。 本片詳述這位世界上最受歡迎藝術家的生平事蹟,他的創作以及傳奇。有名人畫迷及莫內後人的訪談。另外還紀錄了莫內80幅畫作的曠世之展,從波士頓橫跨大西洋移赴倫敦展覽,這段不可能的旅程,道盡其中所涵蓋的危險、機密以及艱辛。 http://www.megaupload.com/?d=6H354KUV
罗丹第二部份cannot be found on uploading.com. Please kindly check.
风中的云 发表评论于
罗丹第二部份已经重新上传到uploading.com, 望各位网友查收
ufo2 发表评论于
I have same problem. I like all ur files especially BBC series. But this one, it's really can't be downloaded. I tired 4 days at different computer and operation system. I wish u can upload it again. Thanks a lot!
风中的云 发表评论于
Again there is nothing wrong. You have to specify your problem. "can not download" isn't a good qestion and it is hard to get solved.
fireinbox 发表评论于
But I still can downloading your The Living Planet after failure loading the file. Bad luck? thanks.
风中的云 发表评论于
I tried, there was nothing wrong. You must have exceeded the Megaupload quota, or you might be tring to download more than one file from Megaupload, which is prohibited, you can only download one file at a time. If the one G quota excedded, you can try again in 4-5 hrs.
fireinbox 发表评论于
please the last one. it seems that can't be downloaded from very beginning. thanks. like all BBCs