想起了少林足球的片断,街头足球小混混被教训得只剩螳螂一个站着时,被周星星勒索了身上仅有的5毛钱,然后问周星星,“这算抢劫吗?”,周星星说“算”。也许下次我该问问“is this a sexual harassment?” 也许鬼妹会用中文回答“我骚扰你是应该,不骚扰你是悲哀”。
丁丁168 发表评论于
杨子 发表评论于
丁丁168 发表评论于
Yes Sue, not all the pics from NY in the NY series, I pick the pics fit for the meaning of articles instead of just matching the location. for NY city skyscrape I havent found too many good shots due to the weather and timing, gradually I will figure out how to capture them, so everyone will see the best.
shh 发表评论于
Hi, TT
The picture you posed with your article is not NYC. It is Toronto Downtown.
丁丁168 发表评论于
you are right! I have problem remembering lyric, including chinese songs, use my understanding a lot