Era and Timeline of Chinese History (compiled by Seke Wei)

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民國   (Republic, 1912-)

+------+   (Qing/Ch'ing, 1616-1911)

          +------+   (Ming, 1368-1644)

   ++   (Yuan, 1207-1367)

      ++   (Jin/Chin/Juchen, 1115-1234)

      +-西夏+   (Western Xia/Hsia, 1032-1227)

+---+   (Liao, 907-1125)

      +-----+   (Song/Sung, 960-1279)

      ++五代十國  (Five Dynasties/Ten Kingdoms,902-979)

       +------+ (Tang/T'ang, 618-907)

(Sui, 581-618)         ++

(Southern/Northern Dynasties,386-589)    +-----+南北朝

(Sixteen Kingdoms, 304-439)             +----+五胡十六國

(Jin/Chin, 265-420)       +--+

(Three Kingdoms, 220-280)    ++三國

(Han, bc206-220)     +---------+

(Qin/Ch'in, bc248-bc207)         ++

(Zhou/Chou, bc1121-bc249) +--------->


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