Start blog

Blog for design note and the usfull misc info
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1. Compiler related knowledge: 
1.1    YACC & LEX
1.2    COCO
1.4    Design a dialing plan for SIP phone
1.5    Design a assembler with Spreadsheet

2. OS related

2.1   Real time kernal design
2.2   Keep small and simple
2.3   Avoid memory leaking in embedded system
2.4   Embedded system design : static description
2.5   Embedded system design : dynamic description

3. Hardware Design for firmware designer
3.1  Perpherl design
3.2  CPLD
3.3  PC parrell port
3.4  Window application design based on WinDriver
3.5  Turn on the LED and controll LCD from PPort

4. Embedded MCUs

4.1  MIPS
4.2  MIPS + Vxworks
4.3  MIPS+ Linux
4.4  ICE /JTAG

