Sometimes, we fall prey to worry,frustration, anxiety and sheer exhaustion, which make our hearts become heavy. Rejoice might be the last thing on our minds at that time.
What you need is plenty of rest, a large dose of perspective. Try to think the positive side of things, we grow up through the difficulties, and pay the price for being more mature.
Although it's hard, try to trust your hopes instead of fears.
Luohua, as a resident, usually encount more indegent pts, drug seekers, homeless pts, etc. They are usually uncooperative, manipulative and mean spirit. It only makes you stronger. I even moonlighted in a jail clinic where house thousands of inmates. I grow tougher by the experiences. Don't feel bad that you can't take care everything, no one can, your resident is doing his part. Next year, you will be a nice resident to help interns. It is harder at the beginning, but you will be rewarded later. Take care!