Edmund Tarbell 美国印象派

今天看书看到关于Edmund Tarbell 的介绍。 很喜欢他的这幅画:Girls Reading (1907, oil on canvas, 25 X 30 ).

Edmund Tarbell (1862 - 1938), the leader of the Boston School of Impressionism. He was appointed director of the Corcoran School of Art in Washington, D.C. in 1918. By the time of his death in 1938, he was known as the "Dean of American Impressionists."

Inspired by the work of the seventeenth-century Dutch painter Jan Vermeer, he bathed his subjects in a softly diffused luminosity, manipulating the intensity of his light through devices such as diaphamous curtains or Venetian blinds. Painted in 1907, Girls Reading is an excellent example of his academic Impressionist manner, in which he blended modern concerns relative to light with a traditional rendering of the figure and an enduring concern for beauty and sound craftsmanship--qualities that came to represent the aesthetic stance of both Tarbell and the Boston School in general.

----from The Golden Age of American Impressionism, by William H. Gerdts
