缺乏安全感的人总喜欢紧紧抓住一些东西,好比溺水的人连稻草也会抓一样,爱情,工作,钱...生活中可抓的东西少之又少,能否抓得住又是难上加难。我想我愿意选择工作,至少比较实际,可以感觉到投入和回报。对爱情有些失望,开始觉得是浪费时间和精力,I should focus on myself, its more important to know what I can do。
Your life is not shabby at all. I envy your $500/pair shoes. I'm sure you will have the LOVE, an extravagent box of chocolate one day. I have mine for a little over two years. Knowing the vulnerability of love, I dare not to take it for granted. Thus, I am prepared for the worst consequences while enjoying it. Coming a long way to where I am now, I understand love is and ought to be a part of my life simply by my own choice. Obviously, so do you. You have a higher start point to life than that of many people, including myself. Girl, you are doing great!