"Miami Vice" may be the worst movie I have ever seen in a long time.
I predicted this movie would fail before the opening, and it fails me big time once I saw it.
If someone says that this movie was produced by some college students, I won't be surprised.
There is no much story-telling, there is no chemistry between Colin and Gong Li, there is no character building in this movie, period.
Gong Li was at her best in just about any early movie Zhang Yimou directed. Ever since she left Zhang, she has been struggling to make any progress.
In this movie, her performance is so rigid, so pretentious, that I just feel sad to see her in this movie at all. There is no chemistry between Colin and Gong Li. Gong Li was supposed to be dark, seductive, and mysterious. But all she did was simply being serious at one time, then fake laughing the next time, then being serious again.
The love-making scene was so terrible, and worst part would be at the end, as she departs from Colin, she was crying, Colin was walking on the bank of the river, there is absolutely no sad feeling among the audience in the theater I was sitting in, people stat leaving by then.
Colin and Jimmy has no bond neither. Colin is underperforming, and Jimmy is over performing. At the beginning, you would think this movie is about digging out some bad guys inside FBI and MPD, it turns out there was no bad guys, the first deal went bad because the bad guys outsmarted the good guys, that’s all.
The only thing interesting about this movie was the gun shot sequences.
I give this movie a D.