Discussion and Documentary Screening of “Broken Promises: The U

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We all know there is a"Super Country" in the world called "United Nations", whichwas established in 1945, at the end of World War II. As the United Nationsturns 60, world leaders, scholars and government officials are addressing thefollowing questions:  

·Has the U.N. lived up to itsfounder's ideals and what has been accomplished since its inception?


·Has the world body been successfulin protecting human rights and preventing genocide?


·Can the organization be effective inthe wake of the oil for food scandal and other international crises?


The documentary "BrokenPromises, The United Nations at 60" takes viewers on an exploration ofmany international crises from the hostility between India and Pakistan in1947, to the Arab/Israeli conflicts of the late 1940s, to the slaughter ofmillions of Cambodian refugees by Pol Pot in the 1970s, the hardships andgenocides in Rwanda and Bosnia, to the present day oil for food scandal.  

The documentary is a clarioncall to action for the United Nations to live up to the goals and objectivesits charter mandated sixty years ago. Will the international community be up tothe challenge?  

The programme was organizedby Singapore Films Society and the National Library. The aim of the programmewas to use a documentary to call on people's interests concerning the historyand the evolution of the functions on worldwide political, economy, culturaland social development.  Mr. Kishore Mahbubani, Dean of Lee Kuan YewSchool of Public Policy at NUS was invited to present an informal speech duringthe screening to share his points and experience on the role of the UN in thepast 60 years. He was the most suitable speaker on this topic as he was electedas the President of UN Security Council in Jan 2001 and May 2002.  

After summarising thecontent of the documentary, Mr. Kishore Mahbubani emphasized that theimportance of the UN cannot be doubted, especially in the field of worldpeacekeeping, even if it does have many areas that need to be improved on andenhanced. He pointed out that two world wars had happened before the UNfounded, and there have no more worldwide wars or conflicts happened since1945. Today, there are 6.3 billion people living in the world and there areonly 1 percent of people or less are still living under the threats of theregional war of conflicts. This is a great contribution made by UN.  

Mr. Kishore Mahbubani hashad the good fortune of enjoying a career in government and in writing andpublishing.  With the Singapore Foreign Service from 1971 to 2004, hehad postings in Cambodia, Malaysia and Washington, DC, and he served two stintsas Singapore Ambassador to the UN.  He also was the PermanentSecretary at the Foreign Ministry from 1993 to 1998.    

In the world of ideas, hehas spoken and published in all corners of the globe.  He has beenprofiled in the Economist and in Time Magazine and his writings have beenwidely cited and quoted.  He is the author of "Can AsiansThink?" and "Beyond the Age of Innocence: Rebuilding Trust betweenAmerica and the World ".  

His experience in publicservice and in the world of ideas have come to serve him well in his newappointment on 16 August 2004 as the first Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School ofPublic Policy at the National University of Singapore.  Concurrently,Mr Mahbubani continues to serve in various advisory capacities to variousinstitutions in Singapore and North America.    

The films screening of drama and documentary, combining with scholarlypresentation or panel discussion, is the new design of the programme NationalLibrary brings to its library readers. The professional discussions are able toadd research value to the popular media and attract a wide range of audiences.The notable speakers or presenters can also share their points of view toenhance the impressions and understandings about the theme of the programmefrom different angles and aspects. This attempt has brought very positivefeedbacks from the public: The registered audience exceeded 200 and there weremore than 240 who people signed up for the programme on the day. They werestudents, business people, foreigners, professionals, teachers and generalpublic members, who were all interested in the issues of world peace, regionalconflicts and the modern history of the world. Mr. Kishore Mahbubani

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