China Produces 600,000 University Trained Engineers EVERY Year

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China's universities turn out 600,000 trained engineers every year. What is that, almost 1600 each day?!

However, a Mckinsey survey of nine occupations including engineers, accountants and doctors found that fewer than one in 10 of those graduates were employable by multinationals.

Can't speak English? Can't get a visa? Can't get along? Didn't learn in school what it says on their transcripts? Wait that last one is for US graduates.

Chinese learn by rote memorization. Engineering seems to rely on theory and problem solving as well as working in teams...not strengths of the Chinese university graduate.

According to the Mckinsey study, maybe one third of those in the Chinese pool are suitable to work at a mulitnational or about 160,000 students equal to the number of students turned out in the UK each year.

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