到站了,我走下火车,仰望着晴朗的天空,不由得脱口而出,What a beautiful day!身旁的conductor在对我微笑,Yes, it is。我回报他阳光的笑容,送出清晨的祝福。他说了一句, Thank you, see you tomorrow。意料之外的回答,却让我笑了起来,See you tomorrow.
This is good assay, the confliction, tenderness, torment and hope resulted form your longing for being embraced in alone-world seem jumping out from the lines to capture readers' attentions.
I think that most of us, at some point of life, may experience unavoidable sadness and Loneliness, however, these obstacles shouldn't block us to keep our hope alive and to fight back to be a winner in the end.
You are also right about recognizing you'd be the hero on the battle ground, and don't forget you are the princess in your castle as well so to speak. One day a prince riding on white horse would cross the drawbridge of your castle to ask you to join his army, just making sure the drawbridge is sturdy enough to prevent him from falling into the moat ;)
还有更加令人窒息的时刻,即使在人海茫茫之中,行走于嚷嚷闹市之际, 周旋于亲朋好友, 嬉闹于旧同学间, 却每每觉得凄冷孤清,孤寂异常...Where is my home? You ask...
Enjoy this precious moment of your life, because that is part of you, loneliness is part of the deal of life. Learn to enjoy solitude: alone, but not Lonely.