This early morning around 1:00 AM with sweat I was waken up by a horrible nightmare. How awful was it? I could tell you this much, there were strong signs of struggle at crime scene. Exhibit A: the blanket was kicked off onto the hardwood floor. Exhibit B: the spring water bottle which had sit originally on the stand landed magically on my bed and deformed. I stared the ceiling in the dark and tried to trace back what had happened in the nightmare.
Piece by piece I started remembering what had occurred.
I and my spaceship were cruising through cosmic deep space and enjoying awesome planetary view. Coming nowhere I felt a tidal of gravitational forces that sucked me into a whirl pool of dark space. I tried every bit of my strengths to maneuver my spaceship to escape from massive pull of force. Yet, nothing was working, useless efforts. I saw the light was bent in front of my own eyes, the force was so great that everything about me and my ship were stretched beyond recognition. Poof, in a split second whole thing, me and my spaceship, were broken into pieces.
I drank a sip of water and realized my nightmare was essentially about I was dismantled by a "black hole" in outer space.
What could cause me to dream of this kind of destitute end? I examined all of possible fears one by one. A light was suddenly turned on inside my head "internet surf” that must be it. Once at lunch my buddy told me a scary thing about him and internet surf. He confessed he was sucked into internet and blogging helplessly. Several times he put his girl on hold at intimacy moment in order to go on the net for a quick fix. This guy is a classic "pig" and for him to do such thing is just beyond comprehension.
While awaking I thought about internet and its strange pulling force plus amount of time I’ve spent recently. Maybe I should tone down my net surfing and spend more time to play music instruments, read, taste and feel the real world instead.
I recalled In the college years back in China I was so into video games that I could play the games on the screen or internet for hours and hours without food and sleep, not mentioning to skip tons of classes (good news was that my grades never suffered, the trick was to study very hard one week before the exams). Until one day I realized life was so much more than just video games, there were girls, books, music, sports , travel, nature, gourmet food ….. then I moderated my game-playing and I sufficed more and became happier.
Any excessive good things could make people to become an addict , and any addition is often create dependency and make people to do more and more to get the same level of stimulus. I don’t want to be a slave of anything, period.
This nightmare might be a wake-up call for me.