I want to write it down asap not because i want to refresh the memory, but write down my passion and the freedom feeling during this wonderful trip, thanks Raj bring me to so many great scenes, without him I will never think about that life can be so exciting and the world is so wonderful.Just like my colleague said after see those pictures: Every country has a beautiful side. So my friends let's explore the wonderful world together and share our passion.
This is the first time I write diary in travel, every day has lots of things happen and I not only enjoy the beautiful nature but learn a lot useful stuff from lots of new friends.
To those who never feel they get into western society maybe here will give some tips.
There is always something exciting in your life, but don't let the sparkle go out.
从未试过如此放纵/Unlimited Drinks
Friday, Nov 3th
Cloudy and darksome, damn humid in Magarita
in my memory this is the first time i sleep during the flight, I really got a bad night. To catch the early airport bus I bring the luggage to my friend Garment's apartment and it's their last night in Islington, seems my lucky start, there will be more lucky in the whole thing. I use my pager as alarm to get the earliest express bus at 5:30am, but scmdw database has some problem and shutdown and can't startup so it automatically page me every 15 minutes, I want the alarm on so I didn't turn it off, so every 15 to 30 minutes I have to press the button not allow it shake. I called Raj to know about the situation because I didn't bring notebook with me so can't dialup to handle it, Raj said he can't resolve the problem so had to wait for next day, but I forgot to tell him turn off the detection and I don't want to bother him so late, I think he turn his pager off so he did not get the same trouble.
I catch the first bus and arrive at terminal 3 by 5:50am, and start waiting in the line for air transat, when i get to the counter the reception told me that the airline is sky service though my group is transat, then i goto the end of the lobby, there are lots of people wait in line but it's very fast since there are several check-in counters, just like transat. I am the first guy goto the gate.
there is a beautiful blondy stewardess in this plane, unfortuneately we didn't see her in the return flight.
I am the first check in this flight and later other friends told me they waste lots of time in air transat counter since when they check in lots of people wait there. so remember go as early as possible(suggest 3 hours before flight start) and check information counter to get the exact flight check-in information(there is a transat information counter that you can find out the exact flight company you take, I think if you see the flight is SVXXX then it's sky service.
After about 5 hours flight we reach the end, the weather is not that good, dark cloudy and seems just have a rain so not that hot, but I can feel the tropical humid that I already lost for 1 year. The travel van make me surprise, so simple but when we go along the street we found this is among the best car in the island, lots of old junk different shape everywhere, and not too much plants in the island, and buildings are poor, no forest, desolate, so a little bit disappointed, but in the end when close to hotel the trees along the roadside are much higher and cover the sky, and we can see jungle in the mountain. After 45 minutes we reach the hotel, this make me surprise, I thought it's a small island and I can take a bicycle everywhere, but I am big wrong, actually it is huge. The first impression is desolate, but later on this impression go to sky.
After we check in we have time to take a look this hotel:Portoflino & Portobello Complex, it's divided in to section, section 1 is a long main building and in the end is main restaurant, section 2 has lots of separate building like townhouses, it include gym, coffee bar, luxury house, power generation, etc. There are 2 swimming pool and one water volleyball pool, one swimming pool and the volleyball pool are behind the section 1, separate by a bar(we used it a lot later) and another big swimming pool is at the end of the section 2. behind the restaurant it's a long beach and close to the hotel is private and has lots of palm-tree and all equipment. there is also a beautiful tropical garden behind section 1. There are 6 bar totally, each pool has one and one in beach and one is a disco bar on the top of the building beside the stage for night show, and one bar in section 1 for formal dressing, the last one is coffee bar. All bars
serve drinks but different close time, for bar behind section 1 it also serve sandwich and sometime hold caribbean food like Mexico food(need reservation), coffee bar serve pizza, these two bar open all day from 9am to 1am, other only serve drinks and disco bar open from 9pm to 1am, beach bar and main swimming pool bar open from 9 to 5pm, formal dressing bar open from 6pm to 1am.
after a sleep i goto restaurant and meet my new friends in transat group and they are:kevin,a retired policeman; Allen smith, a funny old man, always get excited by trivial thing like antenna; Robert, a typical small fat Italian man with his pollish girlfriend, Angela, a slim girl always looks blue. Buffet is good, they have all kinds of juice, cola, wine, beer and fish, chicken, lots of fruits. After buffet we goto the main bar in section 1, there we meet another 3 friends from toronto but travel agency is sun-quest, they are Tom, a tall, calm, beard man
acting as a IT operation leader, same in my field; Marti, a good looking, talkative, thoughtful man work as chemical engineer in Hydro nuclear; and Mark, a big tall bald pollish, it remind me pollar bear and russian. We have lots of red wine, beer, B69(a bar special) and lots of different drinks, pretty good.
Then we goto the night show, we are late and only catch last two performance, but they are the best since the last one win the competition, it's a mimic famous singer competition. What we saw one is emulate Richie Martin, singing and dancing, and several girls dancing with him and the most funny part is at the end the girls catch the singer and start stripping, the funny guy keep
holding his speaker using one hand and one hand holding his last defense, the underwear, all other clothes are stripped or torn. The last guy mimic Michael Jackson, hair, hat, voice, pose, walk, gesture all 100% real, wonderful. when the show finish, the host bring all the performancer to the stage and lead everybody do the hotel special setting-up exercise, very funny when all audience dancing according to the funny rthym and it includes two part,one part is follow the host, he said like "walking, swimming, turn around, dancing", then we do the pose as he said and another part is faster, include two flap on thigh, two clap, two hands circling, and two steps on each side with hand curve like a egyptian dancing, the sound like "bomba bomba bom bom bom" and mix the whistling and funny voice("O E O E, O i O i").
Then we gather around the disco bar(name Congo), get the drink and in the dancing area there is a small stage and some dancer do a leading dancing there, sometimes 3 male and sometimes 3 female, the best song and dance in my memory is YMCA, and girls and boys dancing in the pool, there is a girl pretty slender, wearing yellow sex bra and long close fit skirt, swinging nicely, she is a
hotel dancer and I think she is most beautiful(except another white girl come from england). We rock and roll to the music and have a cup and a cup of drink ....
watch movie "Dark Man III" and pass out.