
飘洋过海为您提供1>如何成功签证移民USA;出国前准备工作(过海关,登机,离境,入境...); 在美国职业发展的信息
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Ph.D.时候上绿卡的心得 我身边有一些朋友读书期间就把绿卡递了。我也算是把大家的经验汇总一下吧。 先说我在TSC,属于比较好混NIW的。另外就是paper和推荐信了。 paper不用很多,千万别为某些律师吓到,他们有些就喜欢挑不用费心的案子. 要是first-author paper,citation一大把,还用把几千块钱给他们? 软件中最主要是推荐信了。发动一切可以找到的关系,亲戚朋友,同学的老板,老板的朋 友,帮你写推荐信。研究领域不相近没关系,反正我估计移民官也看不懂。主要是关系要 铁,能使劲吹就行。 我开始考虑办绿卡的时候,心理也是没谱,总觉的自己条件差,结果师兄说,这东西需要 运气,赶上发大水,一把就冲到这里了。感上风声紧,你的条件再好,也过不了。hehe! 希望给读Ph.D,又等绿卡考board的朋友们一点鼓励。 normally in TSC, for NIW, 1 month. I got a RFE after one month I submit the first-round package. After I submit the RFE package for another month, I get approved. I would like to say, a couple of month will be enough if you directly file to TSC. But now they switch to NSC.So I have no idea how things would be changed. I hope I will get my Ph.D. next year. It is too early for me to apply OPT right now. So I just use F-1 visa to apply GC. My F-1 visa expiration date is in 2009. I shouldn't be worry about the issue of F-1 extension, etc.You may also apply H-1 during F-1 and get rid of OPT. It is a relatively safe game for my point of view.
