Diet log: sept 5 , 131.5Lb->sept 26128.5lb

Cleaning out my closet the other day, I found I have 9 Jeans, brand new, the mark even on the waist area.
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sept10, Sunnday:

I have been many days break my own rules  and not eat well.

Yesterday , resturant, today: BBQ.

I felt I am prettier than before. ( at least more people checked me out.)

I still need to do:

1. remove my acne.

2. work out.

3. eat moderate ( I often eat too much.)

4. study accounting

5.  learn how to makeup.

I want to rset, not my schedule, but my diet..

I felt I am tired what I eat now.

I should:

drink water & half cup of water

7am: workout

8:30 work, breakfast Green Tea Latte

10 fruit 100kcal

12 lunch: study accounting at my office, & sandwich( 400 kcal)

3 fruit 100kcal

5 dinner: bring my own ( 400kcal)

6: study accounting.(2.5hrs)

8:30pm: work out at gym.( walk there 10min, jog 30 mins+ shower 30 mins.

leave my book in the closet)

9:45 pm go home.( 10:26pm, rt70)


sept8, Friday, 128lb.1350kcal

last noght too many junk food.

breakfast: greentea latte 100kcal + funnel cake 100 kcal=200 kcal

work out: stretch 1hr.

snack: green tea latte 250kcal + CEREAL BAR 150 KCAL

lunch :

snack: cereal drink 150kcal

dinner: my lunch box:  veggies + tofu not 10.=600kcal

Bible study.God gives me the power of resistan~

Sept7, Thursday, 126.5LB( ay home .) kcal

breakfast: 1 apple pie 250kcal + 1 chinese funnel cake 200+ cookies 200

snack: cereal bar 150kcal

lunch: Tuna sandwich 500kcal


lunch:  coffee & cereal bar 200 kcal

dinner9pm: veggies+ pork + tofu soup =600kcal

cookies + mung bean cakes.---> junk food!!!!

( well.. I like them,, but they are not good for me..)

Sept 6:128.5 Lb ( at gym 7 am.)  a lot

breakfast 7am: milk 100 kcal + apple pie 300 kcal

Stretch work out 40 mins

snack: peach : 100 kcal

Lunch: cereal bar w tea 150kcal

snack: apple 100 kcal

dinner 5pm: lunch box chicken w Kale  400 kcal + cereal bar 150kcal + chicken 150kcal + pumpkin seed 200 kcal

+ cookies 300kcal  + papaya 100kcal

Study Accounting

Sept 5:131.5 Lb ( at gym 7:10 am.) 1150kcal

breakfast 7am: Mocha Latte with milk 200 kcal

Stretch work out 40 mins

snack: peach : 100 kcal

Lunch: cereal bar w tea 150kcal

( jog f 30 mins?)

snack: apple 100 kcal

dinner 5pm: lunch box chicken w Kale  400 kcal

Study Accounting

morning: strectch 1 hour

lunch ( 11:30am): 5 cookies 200 and 1 cereal bar 150+ halfd muffin300=650

nap. feel crumby today

snack: apple 100 kcal

dinner: beef noodle soup 500 kcal ( China town.)

Sept1,1100 kcal+126lb

breakfast 7am: latte 100 kcal+ 5 cookies 200kcal=300kcal

morning: strectch 1 hour

lunch ( 11:30am): 5 cookies 200 and 1 cereal bar 150+ halfd muffin300=650

nap. feel crumby today

snack: apple 100 kcal

dinner: beef noodle soup 500 kcal ( China town.)

tech center

undays at 12:00 noon to Fridays at 7:30pm (continuous hours)

Saturdays 9:00am to 6:30pm

Aug 31. 128lb, 2800kcal

Morning work out: walk 30 mins.

Breakfast: Green Tea latte 150+ pach100kcal

lunch: deep dish pizza 400 + 1 plain pizza 300kcal + 2  small brownie 200+ 2 oreo 100kcal+ tortilla 200kcal= 1200kcal

dinner: peach 100  kcal + coffee 100 kcal =200


home: soup 100 kcal + cookies 500 kcal+ green tea latte 100 kcal=700 kcal
