Department Head: L. Cavanagh, Ph.D.
Professors: L. Channing, Dip. of Opera; J. Griffiths, M. Mus.; E.L. Lewis, Ph.D.; J.R. Raum, M.Mus.
Associate Professors: K. Finnson, M.Mus.; S. McClatchie, Ph.D.
Assistant Professors: L. Cavanagh, Ph.D.; B. Ghiglione, M.Mus.Ed.; J. Kuzmas, D.M.A.; P. Minevich, Ph.D.; A. Perron, Ph.D.; B. Reul, Ph.D.
Department Description
The degree Master of Music is offered with the following areas of concentration:
- Performance (piano, harpsichord, organ, voice, and orchestral instruments).
- Composition
- Conducting
The degree Master of Arts is offered in the following areas:
- Musicology
- Music Theory
Application Dates
Applicants are expected to have supporting materials (including video tapes, audio tapes, letters of reference, transcripts, etc.) available for review by the Department of Music by no later than March 15. Auditions where required are also to be completed before this deadline.
Departmental Facilities
The Education/Fine Arts Library contains listening facilities, recordings, microfilms, and a broad spectrum of scores, collected works and music texts. The electronic music studio used for composition and research contains 2 Macintosh G4 computer systems for sequencing and notation, 2 Roland synthesizers, Mackie mixers, and 3 digital tape recorders.
Concert halls include the University Theatre, seating 400; the Conservatory of Music Recital Hall, seating 125, Darke Hall, seating 500, and the Education auditorium, seating 800.
Entrance Requirements
Master of Music Program
Students entering the Master of Music degree program must hold a music degree comparable to the degree Bachelor of Music offered by the University of Regina. There are individual performance entrance requirements, the successful fulfilling of which must be determined by audition which is arranged with the department head. Composers are to submit recent compositions for evaluation before admittance. Vocalists are to have acceptable singing ability in French, Italian and German. Written entrance examinations in music theory and history are required. Entering students scoring below a certain level will be required to do remedial work. Remedial work of more than two semesters is not permitted.
Master of Arts Program
Students entering the Master of Arts degree program must hold a music degree comparable to the degree Bachelor of Music or Bachelor of Arts (Honours Music History or Theory) offered by the University of Regina. Students are to submit recent samples of scholarly writing. Written entrance examinations in music theory and history are required. Entering students scoring below a certain level will be required to do remedial work. Remedial work of more than two semesters is not permitted.
Residence Requirements
The student must be in residence for at least two regular semesters and one six-week spring session. Work toward the degree must be completed within five years, with interruption of not more than two years in duration.
Graduation Requirements
Performance: All graduate students in performance are required to take jury examinations for each semester in which they are enrolled in Music 901. A recital is to be performed after at least two semesters of study. A preliminary hearing of the recital will take place at least one month before the performance date. An oral examination covering topics related to the recital is required during the same semester that the recital is presented.
Composition: A major composition of at least fifteen minutes duration is to be presented as the thesis. If it is feasible, the student should arrange for the composition to be performed and recorded. An oral examination covering topics related to the thesis is required during the semester that the thesis is presented.
Conducting: All graduate students in conducting may be required to take jury examinations for any semester in which they are enrolled in Music 901. The conducting of a major work for orchestra, band, or chorus and orchestra, or its equivalent, will be presented in public performance as the fulfillment of the thesis requirement. A preliminary hearing will take place at least one month before the performance date. This will be preceded by a wide range of conducting projects and score study. An oral examination covering topics related to the major work is required during the same semester that the recital is presented.
Music Theory and Musicology Concentrations: The student is to demonstrate language facility in French or German by means of an examination which carries no credit hours. This examination must be successfully completed before beginning thesis work. Acceptance of a thesis on an approved topic and successful completion of an oral examination on the thesis and related topics are required.
The panel to review the graduate recital of a Master of Music candidate shall consist of the candidate's applied music teacher, the Head of the department, two other members of the Department of Music, an examiner from outside of the department, and the Dean of FGSR (or designate). The general requirements for Master's degrees are applied where appropriate.
The panel to review the thesis of a Master of Arts candidate shall consist of the thesis supervisor, the designated second reader, one other member of the Department of Music, the Head of the department (ex officio), an examiner from outside of the department, and the Dean of Graduate Studies and Research (or designate). The general requirements for Masters' degrees are applied where appropriate.
Courses of Study
Master of Music
1. Performance Concentration:
Orchestral Instruments | |
Credit Hours | |
MU 901 Applied Music | 12 |
Chamber ensemble (I, II) | 6 |
MU 813 Directed Studies in Music Literature | 3 |
MU 815 Bibliography and Research Methods | 3 |
Large ensemble (I, II) | 3 |
Music Electives | 3 |
30 |
Keyboard Instruments | |
Credit Hours | |
MU 901 Applied Music | 12 |
Chamber ensemble (I, II) | 6 |
MU 813 Directed Studies in Music Literature | 3 |
MU 815 Bibliography and Research Methods | 3 |
Music Electives | 6 |
30 |
Voice | |
Credit Hours | |
MU 901 Applied Music (including recital) | 12 |
MU 861 Opera Workshop | 3 |
MU 813 Directed Studies in Music Literature | 3 |
MU 815 Bibliography and Research Methods | 3 |
Large ensemble (I, II) | 3 |
Music Elective | 3 |
One language (may be at beginning level) | 3 |
30 |
2. Composition Concentration
Credit Hours | |
MU 901 Thesis | 15 |
MU 815 Bibliography and Research Methods | 3 |
MU 816 History of Music Theory | 3 |
MU 811 Analysis of Music Written Since 1900 or MU 817 Analysis | 3 |
Music Electives | 6 |
30 |
3. Conducting Concentration
Credit Hours | |
MU 901 Thesis | 12 |
MU 813 Directed Studies in Music Literature | 3 |
MU 815 Bibliography and Research Methods | 3 |
Music Theory Elective | 3 |
Large Ensemble (I, II) | 3 |
Music Elective | 3 |
One language (may be at beginning level) | 3 |
30 |
Master of Arts
1. Musicology
Credit Hours | |
MU 901 Thesis | 15 |
MU 819 Bibliography and Research Methods in Musicology | 3 |
Musicology Electives | 6 |
Music Theory Electives | 6 |
Language Facility Examination | 0 |
30 |
2. Music Theory
Credit Hours | |
MU 901 Thesis | 15 |
MU 815 Bibliography and Research Methods | 3 |
MU 817 Analysis | 3 |
Music Theory Electives | 6 |
Musicology or Composition Elective | 3 |
Language Facility Examination | 0 |
30 |
Registration in any of the graduate courses in Music requires permission of the Head of the Department of Music. A suitable level of performance competency is a prerequisite for some of the courses.
Course Descriptions
The following list of classes are available for study in the graduate program. They are not offered each semester but rather at irregular intervals, as student demand warrants.
MU 801 University Concert Band I (1)
Participation as principal in one of the sections of the ensemble. Students will assist in duties contributing toward the presentation of concert events.
MU 802 University Concert Band II (2)
Participation as principal in one of the sections of the ensemble. Students will assist in duties contributing toward the presentation of concert events.
MU 803 Medieval Music (3)
Selected topics in the history of medieval music.
MU 804 Music of the Renaissance (3)
Selected topics in the history of renaissance music.
MU 805 Music of the Baroque (3)
Selected topics in the history of baroque music.
MU 806 Music of the Classical Era (3)
Selected topics in the history of the music of the classical era.
MU 807 Music of the Romantic Era (3)
Selected topics in the history of the music of the romantic era.
MU 808 Music of the Twentieth Century (3)
Selected topics in the history of twentieth-century music.
MU 809AA-ZZ Selected Topics in Musicology (3)
Study of selected topics in musicology.
MU 811 Analysis of Music Written Since 1900 (3)
Emphasis on contemporary music. Detailed study and analysis of selected works in chamber, symphonic, choral and solo literature.
MU 813AA-ZZ Directed Studies in Music Literature (3)
Study related to the performing medium of the student. Repertoire and its stylistic development through a study of selected works.
MU 815 Bibliography and Research Methods (3)
Bibliographical materials for graduate study in music theory, history or performance.
MU 816 History of Music Theory (3)
A survey of theoretical writings from ancient times to the present.
MU 817 Analysis (3)
Techniques of analysis covering a variety of approaches and musical styles.
MU 818AA-ZZ Selected Topics in Music Theory (3)
Research problems and topics related to the candidate's needs and interests.
MU 819 Bibliography and Research Methods in Musicology (3)
Attendance at meetings and presentation of a research paper.
MU 820 Music Theory Seminar (3)
Attendance at meetings and presentation of a research paper.
MU 821 Music Composition (3)
Composing music in the smaller forms and for small ensembles.
MU 831 University Concert Choir I (1)
Participation as section leader. Students will assist in duties contributing to the presentation of concert events.
MU 832 University Concert Choir II (2)
Participation as section leader. Students will assist in duties contributing to the presentation of concert events.
Prerequisite: Permission of Department Head, MU 831
MU 835 University Chamber Singers I (1)
Specializing in a cappella music from the Renaissance to the Twentieth century. Participation as section leader. Students will assist in duties contributing to the presentation of concert events.
MU 836 University Chamber Singers II (2)
Specializing in a cappella music from the Renaissance to the Twentieth century. Participation as section leader. Students will assist in duties contributing to the presentation of concert events.
MU 841 Orchestration (3)
Writing for various instrumental combinations and dealing with the overall problems of blending and balance.
MU 861 Opera Workshop (3)
Preparation and performance of principal roles from the opera and musical theatre literature, in departmental productions. Students must possess a voice suitable to the operatic repertoire and have achieved an advanced level of vocal technique.
MU 871 University Chamber Orchestra I (1)
Participation as principal in one of the sections of the ensemble. Students will assist in duties contributing toward the presentation of concert events.
MU 872 University Chamber Orchestra II (2)
Participation as principal in one of the sections of the ensemble. Students will assist in duties contributing toward the presentation of concert events.
Prerequisite: Permission of Department Head, MU 871
MU 881 Chamber Ensemble I (Variable 1-3)
Students will participate in the presentation of at least one chamber program during the academic year which may be prepared during the weekly rehearsal required for this course.
MU 882 Chamber Ensemble II (Variable 1-3)
Students will participate in the presentation of at least one chamber program during the academic year which may be prepared during the weekly rehearsal required for this course.
MU 901 Research Proposal and Recital (Variable credit 1-15)
Recital or thesis. Students enrolled for 5 or more credits of 901 in any given semester should expect to produce written research projects in their literature area.
All graduate students in performance and conducting are required to take jury examinations for each semester in which they are enrolled in 901. See above (Graduation Requirements).