Son's 'special person' day

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My son has been talking about daddy's lunch day in his school fora while. Since my wife takes care of all his business, I have not read anyhis notes from school for a while. My wife had a chat with histeacher yesterday, and she got the impression that I just need to gotoday for my son's  "special person" day.

Last evening, with suggestions from friends, I bought abag of candy, plus 2 boxes of washable markers and 4 bottles of glue,which are on the list of items needed in my son's classroom. My son hada discussion with me after piano practice, and decided to pay formy lunch, $2.50, since he invited me for the event.

I finishedsome work in the lab.. 15 minutes before 11, I drove to my son's school.At 11, I was in the main office for check-in, and found many parentswere there for lunch. Briefly chatting with a lady in the main office, Iwent to my son's classroom.

A few kids figured out who I was andcalled my son. He was excited when he saw me and called his teacher. Ipassed all the classrooom materials to her and explained that I was notsure whether it was a good idea to give the candy directly to thesekids. So I asked her to give kids the candy later. While waiting on thehallway to let all kids get ready for lunch, I heard that the teachergave directions to all kids.

"Today is a special day--a lot of parents will come to join you for lunch. Please be polite. "

Iwalked with my son hand in hand to the lunch room. It's a room for bothgym and lunch. There I was asked whether I called in to order my lunch.I was clearly lost since I had no idea whether my wife called or not. Theyhad to check the main office and found no lunch for me. :(. So I had totell the teacher that it would be better for me to watch my son duringhis lunch time since he had been asking for me for a couple of weeks, and Iwould get my lunch later somewhere.

It's fun to watch theselittle kids eating their lunch. They got a lot of food, a big chunk ofturkey meat, a small box of milk, a cup of juice, a small bread with asmall box of butter, some mushy potato and canned orange, plus a smallcupcake as desert. I asked my son whether he always got that much. Hesaid they got much less on other days. Seems there are some politics even onkid's lunch menu.:(.

My son is a good eater. He finished almosteverything, except the milk. Most other kids, especially girls, onlyfinished one third of their food. The lunch last about 20 minutes. Thenthe Assistant Principle called for the ending of lunch. I kissed my son forgood-bye before he stood in line for playing time outside. When I gotinto my car, I saw him still waiving to me from distance.

10minutes later, I was home to get my lunch. My wife called and ask aboutthe lunch. When I told her what had happended in the school. Sherealized that she got a note a couple of weeks ago....

"Sorry, I will make a special dinner for you tonight..." 

