Let Christ Change Our Lives

Let Christ Change Our Lives

Thanks be to God, the seeds of Gospel are sowed among more and more Chinese. However, there are still the same problems as what had appeared historically which resulted from the influence of all kinds of thoughts and theories. For example:

Some are “Rationalists”. They think Jesus as a great teacher, but not a savior. They take the verses on the Bible only as some principles, but not as life. They emphasize the three things: God, morality and eternal life, but don’t understand the redemption of the cross.

Some are “extreme Calvinists”. They interpret the predestination of God at their own will. And claim that since it is all up to God to save men, men do not need to do anything and have any responsibility in the salvation at all; or after being a Christian, they believe that they themselves are predestined by God to enter the eternal life already; and they don’t need to make any change at all and naturally they will get there without doing anything.

Some are “Universalists”. They claim that God is the most nice Father, even for those who break His law, they will all be saved.

Also, there is “ Once saved, Forever have the eternal life”. They put the rebirth directly and completely equal to the eternal life .

The basic truth of “Righteousness Through Faith” are misunderstood and interpreted as “cheap grace”. “ Not be justified through deeds” are MISTAKENLY interpreted as “we do not need to do good and what is righteous”. Even “ doing good through faith” is not allowed to be mentioned. “To be holy” is set as the goal only for those who want extra reward.

The spirit of Gospel is deprived. It results in the problems that the believers do not truly have inner change, are lazy and sluggish to move on, and do not grow up spiritually, even go to destruction. In fact, those who sincerely repent to be saved are the minority. Yet those who are self-proud before are still proud after being the believers; those who are jealousy, discord and slander before are doing the same after being the believers; those who never help a bagger are still ignoring others in need after being a believer; and the old selves who fell short of the glory of God before are still storing up the wrath of God.


Is the redemption of Christ through the cross to let people continue to keep on sinning and live in sins? How could the old selves, who are not willing to have any inner change, come to see God -- who are absolutely righteous and completely holy?

We believe in LORD Jesus Christ’s name and were baptized and reborn. Should the old selves and sins be buried into death so that we are clothed with Christ to live a new life?

“We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life. ” ( ROMANS 6:4 )

We became Christians. We should be like “I no longer live, but Christ lives in me” (Gal 2:20) and should be a new creation. However, the “old self” does not want to give up the ownership and does not want any change at all. Others only see the old self and do not find any trace of the likeness of Christ from him.

Even in such dangerous situations, many people hold the word of “Righteousness Through Faith” and think they are surely saved completely. Therefore, the complete gospel truth should be: “Righteousness Through Faith, to Be One in Christ”. We must be clear that without being one in Christ, we are not saved completely yet. And this is the mystery of the will of God for us.

“This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel, members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. ” ( EPHESIANS 3:6 )

Our old selves should give up the ownership and truly repent completely. We should make every effort to be holy. We should hollow ourselves and let the Holy Spirit of Christ settle in and take the charge, and let Christ change our lives completely. We should focus on LORD Jesus Christ; take up our cross and follow the LORD closely; and let the life of Christ shown in us. We should have the determination to lose all things to gain Christ, and conform to the likeness of Christ day by day and to be one in Christ. In this way, we will truly be a Christ-man and be the true children of God.

“Righteousness Through Faith, to Be One in Christ” together are the complete basic gospel truth. It is a message from Holy Spirit. All thanks, praises and glories be to God!
