Quotes by Buddha

醉过方知酒浓 爱过焉知情重 与你无缘怎相逢?
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Quotes by Buddha

Like a spider caught in it's own wed is a person driven by fierce cravings. Break out of the wed, and turn away from the world of sensory pleasure and sorrow.

If you want to reach the other shore of existence, give up what is before, behind, and in between. Set your mind free, and go beyond birth and death. Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think.

Suffering follows an evil thought as the wheels of a cart follows the oxen that draws it. Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think. Joy follows a pure thoughts like a shadow that never leaves.

(Author unknown)

The Blessing

The man whispered, "God, speak to me."
And a meadowlark sang.
But the man did not hear.

So the man yelled, "God, speak to me!"
And the thunder rolled across the sky.
But the man did not listen.

The man looked around and said, "God, let me see you."
And a star shone brightly.
But the man did not notice.

And the man shouted, "God, show me a miracle!"
And a life was born.
But the man did not know.

So, the man cried out in despair,
"Touch me, God and let me know that you are here!"
Whereupon God reached down and touched the man.
But the man brushed the butterfly away and walked on.

Don't miss out on a blessing because it isn't packaged the way you expect.

tonatoni 发表评论于
"Our life is shaped by our mind; we become what we think"...