Talk with Londa

I am here to write down my feeling of today so that tomorrow I can see the path of my yesterda
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I talked with Londa today. Totally amazed.

Londa called me at 10:30am even. Very punctuate. Impressed! She asked “what can I do for you?” I have only 15 minutes, so I said how about we split the time into work and personal life. So we started. She said “I see something coming in October, big change. You will be more independent. Use your natural sense and creativity. Work out things casually. She sensed worldwide stuff. She also mentioned that the change is about partnership. My partner is a woman, she is good but maybe different. I need to work out with her and then we will do great things together. I am also not one business type, I have different things involved. She also said I take risks and evaluate the risk which helps me make right decisions.

She suggested that I focus on my business in the next two months and I will need clear mind to work it out. Have legal people review my contract carefully.

It was fifteen minutes even. I thanked her. I tried to write down what she said at the very beginning, then totoally got into what she said and stopped writing. I just couldn't close my mouth. I got all the information I needed. The first part helps me to confirm my thoughts of being more independent. The  personal part, what she said confirmed who Dustin is and made me realize why he did things the way he did. Which gave me a great closure.

Later, the partnership issue came through as she saw...