Max 1 (图)

This is Max's Mom and we are living in Las Vegas.
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Max is my very first dog in US. I wanted a pet a long long time ago. I visited the local shelters at least 4 or 5 times before the adoption. At the same time, I feel unfair to keep a dog in a small apartment.  Before Max, I have gold fish and a turtle named King Kong. This May I bought my very first house with a big yard. Now I feel it's time to have my own baby. We (me and my boyfriend) always wanted a big dog,  German Shepherd,  Husky,  Chowchow or Akita etc. On June 22, we went to shelter to try to look for King Kong. ( A long story. He ran away while my boyfriend was at home at that time. I was at work) We saw some turtles there, but none of them is KingKong. Since we were there, my BF suggested we looking for some dogs. Once we got to Max's cage, he was so happy to see us. His ears were down, leanning towards the back. That's what a GSD do. Selfishly speaking, I always want a erect-ear GSD. So I actually was thinking if he had erect-ear, I wantted him right now. It's like Max could understand my selfish thought. His ears went up straight while I was thinking. I saved some pictures taken in the shelter. He was already a pretty boy at that time.
It's been almost 2 months since we have him. I feel we are so luck to find each other.  In middle of the night, Max snores during his sleep. I keep wondering why his previous owner let him be a stray dog. He is such a sweet boy and there is no way he deserves to be a shelter dog. What Max has to go through on streets? Did he almost hit by a car? Did he go through trash can for food? Was he searching for his first home and tried to find the way back? There so many questions unanswered. At least he has a "cool" home. (we are in Las Vegas. Cool is better than hot in summer time.)
There will be more Max's stories coming up. Right now I got to go and play with him.

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Our Max is also our first pet :) I've always loved GSD, but I know the problems with the bread due to excessive inbreeding. I got lucky with my Max, she's a half GSD and half rottie. When I'm in Vegas, I would love to meet your Max, and make sure he get a sniff of my Maxi girl :)