美国论坛里关于中美战争的帖子 zt

在美国网站转悠时偶然发现了几个论坛,有许多美国人谈论中美战争的帖子,很好玩,自己翻译了一个主题下面的帖子,给大家看看,哈哈,翻译的时候发现,普通美国人的错别字太多了,哈哈        AuthorTopic: China vs USA        China would win. We wouldn't use nukes and they have more people        中国会赢,我们不会使用核武器而他们有更多的人。        sorry buddy, but america is nuke happy and if any one f*cks with them, about 50 are headed in their direction        对不起,哥们,但美国是非常乐意使用核武器的,谁要敢招美国,就会有50颗弹头对向他。        You are a f*cking dumbass.        China has been stealing our nuclear military secrets for years. For all we know, they could sabotage our shit at the last minute.read and learn,dumbass        你是头蠢驴,中国已经窃取我们的核技术很多年了,我们都知道,他们能在最后一分钟破坏我们的装备,多读点书你这头蠢驴。        China has more people. But the US his superior military power (especially the navy). So the USA would kick china's as        中国有更多的人口,但美国有更强大的军事力量(特别是海军)。所以美国可以击败中国。        technology can only do so much. They would just out number us        技术的作用是有限的,他们还是会以数量压倒我们。        We arent connected by land, and we have the greatest navy in the world.        我们两国陆地不接壤,而且我们有世界上最好的海军。        We have the power of jesus.        我们有上帝支持我们。        Communists have a great work force that could be used to outnumber our navy. The greatest weakness of an army is its underestimating of others. Should the chinese make it to our soil we would loose        中共有巨大的劳动大军,他们可以从数量上压倒我们的海军。一支军队最致命的弱点就是低估对手,只有他们能登陆美国,我们就输定了。        China has enough to blow up the US... MAD DOESN'T = WIN     中国有足够的核武器炸毁美国。。。疯狂不=胜利        Well, keep in mind that Chinese people don't know what bears are so once they make land fall and push past the beaches then they will go into the forests of Washington Oregon and California and be like "???" And the bears will take a heavy toll of their infantry. Of course that means they can attack through the harsh deserts of New Mexico where our Arapaho Native American Brothers will make or break the war. Whichever side the Arapaho join will win because they are desert people and they know the land just like the south in the civil war. Anyway, if we made it to China I think we could probably just get most of them to join us because I heard they like McDonalds and America there so just pass out free things to get them to join our army and make a new army out of them. It's a force multiplier.        请记住中国人很多都不知道熊是什么东西,所以他们登陆以后,穿越滩头阵地,就可能进入俄勒冈州或加州等的森林地带,那样的话很多他们的步兵就会被狗熊消灭,当然他们也可以从南部新墨西哥州严酷的沙漠地带进入,那战争的成败就决定于土著Arapaho印地安兄弟们的了。Arapaho印地安人加入哪边哪边就会赢,因为他们是沙漠居民,他们就如同南北战争时南军一样的了解南方。但是,如果我们能打到中国我想我们肯定能让那里的大部分人加入我们一方,因为我听说他们喜欢那里麦当劳,所以我们只要分发免费的东西给他们,然后让他们加入我们一方,我们就可以从那里组织一支新的军队,这是让我们军队成倍增长的好办法。        China would kung-fu kick the U.S. in the balls.        中国人将会用功夫踢烂美国人那玩意。        Too bad they have small penises.        可不幸的是他们那玩意太小了。        Self sustaining economy my ass. Theres a resaon Japan and China have had tensions recently. Its becuase they are figthting over who will get Russias oil. They most definately dont have enough oil there to be self sufficent.        Read, China imports oil. Actually, they are the big reason prices are jumping so d**n much        狗屁自我维持经济,中国和日本的关系最近为什么那么紧张呀?就是因为它们为了争夺俄罗斯的石油,他们绝对没有自我维持所需要的石油。记住,中国进口石油,就就是他XX的油价涨的这么快的原因!     If there was going to be a war between us it would be because of this. And I highly doubt it would take place in either China or the Americas. It would happen in the middle east. China needs oil. They absolutely need it to continue to have any chance of being a strong power in the world. Russia is one option. The middle east, may be the way they go and we would protect our intrests. And all of a sudden we have a war on our hands. 转自81.china.com     没错,如果中美真要发生战争的话,肯定是因为石油这么问题。而且我不认为战争会发生在美国和中国任何一方的国土上,战争可能会发生在中东地区。中国需要石油,他们绝对需要石油去继续他们成为世界强国的努力。俄罗斯是他们的一个选择,但中东可能是他们要去的地方,那么我们就会去保卫自己的利益,然后忽然间,我们就处于战争状态了。
