上班第一周,住院总就把一些有用的网站给我们罗列了一下,她说everhthing is out there, if you don't study, it's your problem. 我在上海的时候,在医院上网还要去图书馆每个小时付三块钱,基本上信息都是在书上得来的,医院是不可能斥巨资去购买软件和online reference,在这里工作的时候,深深体会到了系统不同,会给工作和态度带来多大的改变,美国医学生早已习惯了这样被宠爱着,只有我们这样国外来的,才明白这些资源的宝贵,因而也更珍惜眼前的机会。
please add some note to your nomenclatures. i like a cat to catch the tail when read your blog, that cause me woozy. :)
BMW328 发表评论于
doctors in hospital don't charge patients, hospital does.
hospital does so because medicare, medicaid and non-insurance people don't pay or enough.
When old/poor people come into hospital, who pay for them? tax payer. So you are actually paying for your furture bills if you can live that long. May god bless you, so don't complain.
taxPayer2 发表评论于
so, when you are charging those medicare/medicaid users/abusers, you are charging tax payers.
落花飘零 发表评论于
taxPayer2 发表评论于
oh, come on, give us a break. Aren't medicare and medicaid paid by tax payer?
BMW328 发表评论于
supported by rich people? mmmmmm, no matter what they sell, I know why my living expense is so high now.
落花飘零 发表评论于
actually the hospital i am working for is a non-profit hospital, it is supported by a huge fund from some rich people. during my whole month in ward, i didn't see a single patient who has medical insurance, all of them are medicare, medicaid or non-insurance at all.
吃草的狼 发表评论于
All those fancy medical gears come from patients' pockets or insurance companies. Now you know why medical cares are so expensive in U.S.
Very interesting comparision, you recently came from a major teaching hospital in Shanghai, you know both sides of world, I would like to hear more about your opinions of the differences. My impression ( many yrs old) is pts staying in hospital much longer unnecessarily in China than in US, even eye surgeries had to be done as inpts and routinely gave IV antibiotics post-op.
BTW, how many shifts do you get for this month's ER rotation? Have fun!