最近忙加懒, 很多感想, 却很少写BLOG. 总觉得时间不够用, 怀疑自己是不是老了, 办事效率越来越差, 以前读书的时候, 觉得每天都很闲, 好象有用不完的时间.
前几天和GEORGE聊天, 最近我对RELATIONSHIP完全没有兴趣, 于是我们的话题变成了关于investment and financial plans. George said, at my age, I was supposed to have 100K dollars saving; I thought he was kidding, thats quite a lot money, and most of my friends, like Yi and Mingyi, I knew they didnt have that much saving either. "You cant compare with losers, you wanna compare with those winners, there are many girls at your age, who have had a lot saving", thats what George said, I replied, "they dont know there is something called SHOPPING?" He was laughing, and said, "my baby girl, you need to start saving right away, or you would be in trouble if something happens, its a backup plan." But I didnt take that so serious, I am still young, and there are lots of opportunities ahead waiting for me, I am not on the stage to start considering my retirement plan yet. Well George's words made sense too, in some way, after all, I am not very satisfied with the current situation, I wanna change, and it requires money, that is the reality. But this kinda stuff really annoying, I dont even try to think about them, everytime those words like financial plans, retirement, taxes, investment... cross my mind, I get nervous, for no reasons. George said, "face it, it makes you nervous, means you need to think about it more. you are afraid that you cant achieve the goal, so you even dont wanna start beginning it." Honestly, I have to admit that, he is 100% right at this point. The fear that I might not be able to achieve the goal after a lot effort bothers me always, not only in this issue, but also in others, like career or relationship. I am so scared of disppointment, which somehow stops me trying things from the very beginning. I determined to give a change, said, "I will try to start saving", George replied, "you will or will not, dont say TRY, try is a bad word", I typed, "yeah yeah, uncle George, I will, I swear to god, I will", we both laughed. I need to take care of myself, cant keep finding excuses for my own laziness and financial mess, this idea has never been so clear like now in my mind.
昨天和轶一起吃饭的时候, 跟她提起这个话题. 她给我讲了她表姐的事情, 轶的表姐也在日本, 30出头, 没有结婚, 最近好象也没有男朋友, 普通的工作, 普通的收入, 没有什么存款. 结果前一阵子竟然检查出乳房有肿瘤, 可能是恶性, 会致癌, 于是不得不接受手术, 切掉肿瘤. 虽然有保险COVER大部分, 但是自己也要出钱, 而且不是小数目, 轶的表姐本来就没什么存款, 最后全得靠朋友亲戚帮忙, 轶也给拿了一些钱.
我听了轶的表姐的事情后, 突然觉得很恐慌, 当GEORGE说BACKUP PLAN的时候, 我还觉得那是件很遥远的事情, 年纪轻轻大概还不需要BACKUP PLAN, 但现在, 这样的事例就在身边, BACKUP PLAN的必要性变得清晰起来. 轶说她根本没有什么存款, 我说是不是应该适当的存一些了, 她说, 她也想, 但是从自己的身上省钱, 觉得特别亏待自己. 我完全理解她的意思, 因为我也这样想, 觉得自己这样辛辛苦苦的赚钱, 如果不享受, 生活实在缺乏乐趣. 我们想SAVING, 又不愿意放弃享受生活, 这件事, 比较难. 轶说, 不用那么辛苦, 找到一个合适的老公, 结婚了, 自然有靠; 我问她, "实话实说, 你现在27岁, 在30岁之前找到一个财貌双全, 又能让你依靠的如意郎君的可能性有多大?" 轶翻了翻眼睛, 半天没说话. 我接着说, "能想到的最糟的状况大概就是, 30多岁, 一个人, 没有爱情, 又没有钱. 爱情我们没办法控制, 但钱, 我们可以想办法, 可以计划." 这样想让我觉得安心很多, 至少有一样东西的主动权控制在自己手上.