
杯中碎影 变幻出谁的模样?聚散出怎样的心情?时间是调味大师,观察角度是调温计。回味无穷的是岁月。
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话说中文AP考试 两大出乎意料(对孤陋寡闻的我):

1.只有language, 没有literature.

2.Internet-based 考试 (The AP Chinese Language and Culture Exam will be an Internet-based exam. The entire exam, including directions, exam questions/prompts, and student responses, will be delivered and captured on computers via the Internet. All written directions and questions will appear on screen, and all spoken directions and questions will be delivered through individual headphones. Students' written responses will be typed in Chinese at the keyboard, and their spoken responses will be digitally recorded through a microphone directly into the exam's software. This exam will require a Microsoft Windows 2000 or XP operating system as well as individual headsets with microphones. For detailed specifications, visit the Curriculum and Exam Resources section of the AP Chinese Course Home Page, and share these requirements with your school's IT professional to ensure your readiness for the first exam administration in May 2007. ---collegeboard)

前者意味着AP中文只需一年课,而非英文法文或西班牙文的两年。高中选课要注意时间安排。 后者意味着中文打字需加强,注意有考作文啊!